Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Dancing Queen

Kaitlyn has been very entertaining these past few weeks. She loves to laugh... even for no reason... Maybe she is laughing at how funny her parents really are. This past weekend we made a last minute trip to visit Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Mandi, Hailey and Darren. (I don't want to forget that Uncle Sam and Dereke came over for a visit too.)I am not sure what Kaitlyn is laughing at, but she sure thought Grandma and Mommy were funny while taking this picture.
Is a very cute picture of my Niece Haily and Nephew Darren.
Sunday evening Neighbor Hailey came over to play with Kaitlyn. We had to take a picture of our new hair cuts.

Kaitlyn loves to dance. Usually when we ask her to dance she shuffles her feet, but this time she decided to show off some new moves. She also loves eating Graham Crackers. Some of her very first meltdowns have come from not getting any more crackers.

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