Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Memorial weekend we loaded up the truck and headed to South Isle Campground near Isle, MN. The weather was perfect. A little cool on Saturday, but nothing that would keep us from enjoying the day. I still got sun burnt so it could not have been that cold. The campground is perfect for kids. They had train rides, hay wagon rides, ice cream social, fishing contest, dance, and a great playground. Kaitlyn had lots of friends to play with during the weekend. Her cousins Hailey and Darren (Dewey if you ask Kaitlyn), and some family friends grand kids. Here are all the kids waiting for the Train with Grandma... Darren didn't want to sit next to all the girls.
The girls playing in the camper! No we did not plan for them to all be wearing pink!!!
My favorite picture of my nephew. He had to pose for this picture! Kaitlyn finally likes to ride on daddy's shoulders! I think she just likes to pull his hair when she holds on.
Kaitlyn fishing with her new Barbie pole from her Aunt and Uncle. This also was the only time she would wear her sandals. She still is not too sure about them. I hope time will let her appreciate sandals.
Cody just playing along with the kids. He was such a great puppy all weekend!
We have lots more pictures that I will post on my Facebook page, so make sure to check them out.

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