Monday, June 22, 2009

Can I have a Hug and Kiss?

Today is Monday after a great weekend! As we got to Daycare Kaitlyn tried to hide her nuk so she could bring it with her. We only let her bring her blanket and baby to Daycare since we are starting to ween her from THE Nuk! (By the way... she knows how to spell. The 2 times I asked Nate where her N..U...K was... she replied... Nuk?)
Anyway... as I was saying goodbye... I asked Kaitlyn for a hug and kiss since I am visiting a friend tonight and won't be at home for the bedtime routine. She replies... "NO!" and starts closing the door on me. As I walk away... I can her saying "Bye-Bye!" I guess spending 2 days with her parents she was ready for daycare today!

Here is Kaitlyn wearing the shirt that we got from my college MSUM! She looks so old in this picture. I can't believe my baby girl will be 2 in less than 2 short months!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Maiden Voyage

A few weekends ago we took the boat out for our maiden voyage. It was a little windy, but we found a few calm spots around the lake. Nate took us past the house he is currently working on. It looks great only a few more weeks and he will be onto the next house. Here are a few pictures of Kaitlyn driving the boat with daddy.
She really loved being able to walk around with her life jacket on. Last year she wasn't walking and the life jacket wasn't her favorite part of boating.
It was a little windy and Kaitlyn was either not wanting to listen to us or trying to keep her hair out of her face.
It took several attempts to get Kaitlyn to take a nap. She finally fell asleep on our way back to the boat launch. I guess we have to go fast and it be really wavy for her to fall asleep on the boat.

Kaitlyn has also learned our first names. She has decided that if we don't listen when she says "Mommy, Daddy"... she calls us by our first names. It started on the boat when we were trying to ignore her so she would take a nap. She kept saying "Daddy". After several attempts and daddy not answering she yells "Nate".

Yesterday while I was getting ready I hear Kaitlyn yelling "Kitty" as Thomas was walking by. I explained to Kaitlyn that Thomas doesn't come to "Kitty" since this is not his name... So she finally says one of our pets names... She calls him "Tommy". Not sure if Thomas will come to that name either, but it was still cute.