Friday, July 24, 2009


A few Saturday's ago we headed up to Nisswa, MN to our new favorite resort: Cozy Bay on Lake Edwards. We were enjoyed by 20 other family members for the week. Our vacation started out great. The weather was good, the sun was out, and we were enjoying the company and the lake.
The weather turned to cold and rainy on Tuesday. So the rest of the week we were land locked except for the occasional fishing trip. Nate did catch a nice size Walleye in the rain one day. Our boat ended up tied to the dock for most of the week with the exception of Tuesday night....

Tuesday afternoon a group of us went into Brainerd for a movie and bowling. On our way home we rec'd word that a severe storm was headed our way. We decided that if we got back before the storm we would pull the boat out of the water. We had it all planned out... Nate and Alex were to run and get the boat. Dan and I were to get the trailer ready. As Dan and I were waiting on the launch... The boat got stuck about 50 feet from the trailer. Before I knew it... I was taking off my shoes and pants... and running into the lake. (Normally weeds gross me out, but I drove right into the mucky and weedy part of the launch.) Alex also stripped down to his boxers and we were both pushing and pulling to get the boat to move. (On a side note: Everyone else is watching from the dry windows of the cabin.) We finally get the boat loose and we pulled it out of the water. You know the saying: Hindsight is 20/20: Well it is. I am not sure why I had to take my pants off since they got wet sitting on the ground in the rain. (Sorry no pictures at this time.)

Bowling in our new group shirts. "Bad Girls of Up North!"

The ladies in our bright "Bad Girls of Up North" shirts!

To be honest... I am a little disappointed about our vacation. The weather really put a damper on our usual activities. Good thing we had 20 of us to play cards, go shopping, and visit with while we huddled in our sweatshirts and jeans.

Kaitlyn loved playing with her cousins. They were there until Wednesday and Kaitlyn loved following them around.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Busy Holiday Weekend!

Friday Lake Day!

Friday morning we all slept in until 9am and than got ready for a day on the lake. We invited our friends the Eggiman's to join us. The kids had fun swimming at big island and enjoying the warm weather. It was a little cloudy, but just the right temp. to enjoy some swimming.

Here is Brayden and Kaitlyn doing some floating at Big Island on Lake Minnetonka!

After our day of boating the guys went to the station to wash the fire truck for the parade on Saturday while I got to wash the boat. Steve, Aimee, and the kids came over for some HoBo Dinners on the grill!

Delano 4th of July Parade
Saturday morning we were in the Delano 4th of July Parade. It is suppose to be the biggest 4th of July Parade in Minnesota. We were float #96 of 128.
McNeilly family picture waiting for our turn to go! Aimee and I pulled the kids in wagons while Nate and Steve passed out candy.
Here I am driving the fire truck! Actually it was even running, but I like to pretend.
Here is a picture while we were walking in the parade. Kaitlyn didn't like it when St. Boni fire truck (float behind us) turned on their sirens or blew the air horn.

Saturday evening the Eggimans had us over for some burgers before we were off to Waconia to watch the fireworks. We got there a little early so the kids could play on the cool playground.
Kaitlyn is a little daredevil. Good thing Daddy was there to help her out.
The adults had fun playing on the playground as well!

Kaitlyn having fun on the slide! Bopapa met us in Waconia to watch the fireworks. Kaitlyn loved to sit up high with Bopapa.

Sunday on the Lake

Sunday was a beautiful day so we decided to spend the day on the lake. My sister Anny, her friend Niki, and Nate's friend David joined us. We spent most of the day in Forest Lake bay. It was hot, sunny, and nice to just hang out in the water. I made it onto the raft since I am not a fan of little sunfish nibbling at me.
Kaitlyn thought the water was a little chilly, but had fun relaxing on the raft with mommy!
Kaitlyn taking a little nap during our long day on the lake. She had a long, but fun weekend!