Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

This year Kaitlyn was a Dalmatian. (Thank you to my co-worker for the cute costume.) We went Trick or Treating with a group of friends from the Mayer Fire Department. We had 12 little trick or treaters to keep up with during our journey around the neighborhood. Kaitlyn wasn't too big on pictures this year. Her new phrase is "I don't want to!" While I was taking this picture she was saying "Woof! Woof!".
Here we are on our way to the big Halloween Party and Trick or Treating! Kaitlyn was really good at saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You!". She didn't want to stop, even though she had plenty of candy.
Here is the whole group heading out for a night of Trick or Treating! There were 10 adults and 12 children under the age of 10.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last Thursday we headed to Texas to celebrate my Aunt and Uncles 40th Wedding anniversary and visit my mom. We left bright and early on Thursday morning. We decided to bring Kaitlyn's carseat with us on the plane. It worked perfectly. Yes, it was a little difficult lugging it through the airport, but it worked awesome on the plane. Kaitlyn loves to talk and repeat everything you say. We taught her to answer several questions about our trip. "Where are we going?" - her answer: "Texas". "How are we getting there?" - her answer: "Airplane - Nana!".
The weather started out a little chilly on Thursday but by Sunday it was sunny and in the 80's. My mom and aunt picked us up from the airport and we headed to Onalaska, TX. My Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins from Minnesota flew down with us.
Here are some pictures to illustrate our trip. They say a picture says a 1000 words - Right?

Kaitlyn and Nana on my Aunt and Uncles dock. A few days later there was a Snake sunning itself on the dock. Reason # 1 why we don't live in the South - Poisonous snakes.

A cute family picture of the McNeilly's!

Explanation of above picture: For some reason Kaitlyn loves to pull down her pants. We aren't sure if it is because we have started the potty training process or because she thinks it is fun. Some people have commented that she learned this from her mother. You be the judge.

Here is my mom and I at my Aunt and Uncles 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Kaitlyn had a great time dancing at the Party. Of course when we told her we were going to a party... she asked if "Smokey Bear" was going to be there. (Side Note: We had a Mayer Fire Summer Party and Smokey the Bear came...) The cute outfit is from my Aunt Marsha. It is a 3T and fit her perfectly.

My cousin Heather, Kaitlyn, and I enjoying a beautiful day outside. We spent most of the time at my mom's house and my Aunt and Uncles house. We had to teach Kaitlyn not to play in the grass.... Reason # 2 - Why we don't live in the South - Fire Ants. So, every time I carried her across the grass - she would keep telling me about the Fire Ants.
We had a great trip to visit my mom (nana). We enjoyed the warmer weather, but still love the fact we live in Minnesota. Crazy - I know!

Apple Orchard

A few weekends ago Nate and I took Kaitlyn to the Minnetonka Orchard. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Kaitlyn loved looking for the right pumpkin with Daddy.
We walked through the corn maze, but half way through - Kaitlyn wanted to go back. So, we turned around and went onto the next activity.

She loved playing in the wooden train. We had to had carry her away because she kept running back to it. We finally were able to distract her with going on a hayride and seeing the tractor.

We were so happy that we had a nice day to spend outside and enjoy the little fall we have had.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Fix It Mommy!

Last night as Kaitlyn and I were coming in from outside Kaitlyn got her finger caught in the door hinge. After we searched the house for her comfort items: Nukie and Blankie, we called Daddy. He was still on his way home, so he said to go to the doctor. I wasn't ready to make that decision especially since I am not good at judging when to head to the doctor. Anyway, Nate called me back and said that one of the EMT fire fighters was going to stop by and have a look. (It sure is a nice benefit to know people in the medical field.) By this time Kaitlyn did not want anyone to look at her finger. After a little convincing she let him look at it. We decided to keep an eye on it, since it was starting to take the shape of a finger again.

When daddy got home we all cuddled in the living room where we at a "picnic" in the living room for dinner. By this time Kaitlyn was starting to move her hand and finger, but still favored her other hand. She convinced daddy to feed her peaches, watch Dora and Diego, and have cookies for dessert.

This morning on our way to daycare... Kaitlyn holds out her fingers and says: "Fix It Mommy!" I told her I couldn't because I was driving and it would have to heal, but if she kissed her finger it would be better. So she did! Than I had to kiss her finger when we got to daycare and so did Cindy our daycare provider. I wonder how long she take advantage of her injury.

Monday, October 05, 2009

My Husband thinks he is funny!

Last night we decided to watch America's Funniest Videos. At the beginning of the show they had a montage of video's of people rigging the sprayer at the kitchen sink, so when you turn on the faucet the sprayer goes off. Now lets fast forward about 2 hours. Nate is downstairs checking is fantasy football and I am getting ready for bed. So, I go into the kitchen and turn on the faucet... and guess what happened? I GOT SPRAYED.... so I start laughing... and turn off the water, take off the rubber band and try again... Yep.. I GOT SPRAYED AGAIN... the lever got stuck.

I went to downstairs laughing so hard that I had to keep my legs crossed. I should have known this would happen since Nate likes to play these little tricks.