Monday, October 05, 2009

My Husband thinks he is funny!

Last night we decided to watch America's Funniest Videos. At the beginning of the show they had a montage of video's of people rigging the sprayer at the kitchen sink, so when you turn on the faucet the sprayer goes off. Now lets fast forward about 2 hours. Nate is downstairs checking is fantasy football and I am getting ready for bed. So, I go into the kitchen and turn on the faucet... and guess what happened? I GOT SPRAYED.... so I start laughing... and turn off the water, take off the rubber band and try again... Yep.. I GOT SPRAYED AGAIN... the lever got stuck.

I went to downstairs laughing so hard that I had to keep my legs crossed. I should have known this would happen since Nate likes to play these little tricks.

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