Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific Two's Part 2

This past weekend we were in Mora again for our Nephew's Baptism. It was a perfect opportunity to take pictures of all 4 cousins. These pictures are posted in chronological orders.

Here is Kaitlyn (2), Hailey (5), Darren (3), and Gibson (3 months). Several people were trying to capture this moment so it was hard to get them to look at one camera. At this point Kaitlyn is loving the attention until....
She realized that she wanted to hold Baby Gibson. It was quite the scene. After some bribery we convinced her to smile for a few more pictures. We told her that she could hold Gibson next.

All smiles again.... who says bribery doesn't work in the right occasions.

Happy that she got to finally hold her cousin Gibson.

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