Sunday, July 18, 2010

Much Needed Vacation Part 2

To continue our vacation post.... We had lots of fun enjoying the water and sun. We rented one of the resorts tubes and took Kaitlyn tubing. Here is a mock family photo. Nate actually drove the boat while Kaitlyn, Cousin Alex, and Mommy went tubing.

Getting ready to go "Really Fast".

Going faster!
Kaitlyn loved tubing!Some of us girls getting ready to go tubing on the 3 seater.Heading Out for some extreme tubing. Aunty Mel and Kaitlyn!

Our annual pyramid. It seems to get harder and harder to do every year.

Kaitlyn helping feed Gibson before Bed.

Our vacation was wonderful. The weather was perfect. We enjoyed relaxing and can't wait for next year.

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