Friday, January 28, 2011

A Wonderful Husband

I felt that this subject needed it's own blog post.  The other night when I got home from book club... I found this....
Nate handmade a foot stool for me to get into bed.  We recently purchased a new bed.... that is quite tall.  I had been using Kaitlyn's little bathroom stool to help me get in and out of bed. 

What I love about this is... I never asked for a new foot stool.  He made it because he didn't want me to fall getting in and out of bed.  Kaitlyn loves it too!  Makes it easier for her to climb in and out too! 

So, I just want to thank my husband for thinking of me!  I love you so much!  Thank you for being such a great husband and father to our children!

32 Weeks

Wow, I can't believe that I am 32 weeks today!  Granted... I am ready to be done now.... but I know the end is near!  The joys of the 3rd Trimester are in full swing.  Sleeping is difficult.  I wake up to roll over or go to the bathroom.  By the end of the day all I want to do is lay on the couch in a horizontal position.  (This is difficult when you have a 3 1/2 year old wanting to play.)  Bending over has also become a challenge... with that so has putting on socks and shoes!  Thank goodness for slip on shoes. 

I now get to go to the doctor every 2 weeks.  I have mastered peeing in a cup, which can be a challenge when your belly blocks your view.  I also miss seeing my feet!

We have finally come up with a few names.  (Actually one boys name and one girls name.)  I hope that our little one looks like the names we have picked!  Otherwise, we are back to square one... Note to self... Pack baby name book in hospital bag.  (Which reminds me that I should maybe do this sooner than later.)

Kaitlyn came 5 weeks early, so I am starting to get a little anxious that the same thing will happen this time.  I have suspended all travel from here to the end until the baby comes.  I am determined to deliver at Ridgeview this time. 

I haven't gained too much weight!  (Which I am happy about.)  At my last appointment I had gained 15 lbs. and should gain about a pound a week until delivery. 

Kaitlyn is getting excited to meet her new brother or sister.  She loves to talk to my belly and give it kisses. 

We asked her what we should name the baby.  Her response is: "Jesus".  So, we might be having a baby Jesus.  If you ask her what babies do.... she says: "Cry and Poop, Cry and Poop".

I have found this little one is very active throughout the day.  I don't remember Kaitlyn being this active.  My stomach likes to conform to odd shapes, while our little one tries out new dance moves.  It is fun to put a remote or cell phone on my belly and watch it move around. 

So the countdown has begun!  8 more weeks to go!  We can't wait to meet this little one.  We are so happy that we decided to wait to find out the sex.  It makes the journey that much more worth it! 

Monday, January 03, 2011

McNeilly Family Christmas

New Years weekend we had the McNeilly family Christmas at our house.  We had a great time hanging out, eating, playing, and opening presents.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Nate and Grandpa took the big kids to the fire station to look at all the trucks and try on Daddy's (Uncle Nate's Gear.)
 Kaitlyn Ready for a Fire Call!
 Cousin Darren Trying on Uncle Nate's Helmet!
 Cousin Hailey trying on Uncle Nate's Helmet!
 Kaitlyn trying on Daddy's Helmet!
 Kaitlyn and Hailey are best friends!
 The Boys!
 Opening presents!
 Cousin Gibson getting his turn at presents!
All the cousins wearing their new hats that Aunty Mel made!