Monday, January 03, 2011

McNeilly Family Christmas

New Years weekend we had the McNeilly family Christmas at our house.  We had a great time hanging out, eating, playing, and opening presents.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Nate and Grandpa took the big kids to the fire station to look at all the trucks and try on Daddy's (Uncle Nate's Gear.)
 Kaitlyn Ready for a Fire Call!
 Cousin Darren Trying on Uncle Nate's Helmet!
 Cousin Hailey trying on Uncle Nate's Helmet!
 Kaitlyn trying on Daddy's Helmet!
 Kaitlyn and Hailey are best friends!
 The Boys!
 Opening presents!
 Cousin Gibson getting his turn at presents!
All the cousins wearing their new hats that Aunty Mel made! 

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