Friday, September 16, 2011

Gavin 7 Months Old

Our little boy sure is experiencing a lot of first this last month.  Maybe I shouldn't say "little" boy since he weighs close to 18 lbs. 

Fun Fact: Kaitlyn weighed 18 lbs. 4oz at 12 months.  Gavin weighed 17 lbs. 14 oz at 6 months. 
Gavin started eating cereal this month and drinking water from a sippy cup.  He loves rice cereal so far.  Last week we tried Peas.  His first couple of spoonfuls went down without a fight.  After about the sixth or seventh one he started making weird faces and by the last spoonful he was crying and not wanting to open up his mouth.  We still are only giving him cereal once a day, but that will soon increase. 

He finally rolled over late last week.  He had rolled over from his tummy to his back awhile ago, but nothing on a regular basis.  Maybe once or twice.  The last few days every time you put him on his back he rolls over to his tummy.  Once he is on his tummy he hasn't figured out how to roll over onto his back again.  He just gets frustrated and cries until you roll him back over.  He still isn't a big fan of being on his tummy.  I think that might have something to do with his acid reflux. 

He is wearing 9 month clothing already and is in size 3 diapers.  He loves to watch his big sister.  He gets so excited when she dances around the living room. 

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