Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gavin Turns One

I can't believe our little boy is turning one today.  It amazes me how fast this past year has gone by.  It just seems like yesterday that we were on our way to the hospital to meet our little boy. 

He is such a happy and well tempered boy now.  I think his new found independence has given a huge sense of calmness.  He loves to stand and has now figured out he can stand unassisted for about 30 seconds at a time.  He gets the biggest smile on his face when he succeeds at this.  He still prefers to army crawl, but has crawled on his hands and knees on occasion.  He loves bedtime.  Every time we get him ready for bed and say our good nights... he smiles and giggles.  Especially at his big sister.  He is a great sleeper now.  (Yeah for mommy!)  He usually goes to bed around 7 and gets up around 6:30 am.  Sometimes he will just sit up in his crib talking until we come and get him. 

Nana is teaching him to make vroom sounds with all his cars and trucks.  He makes a lot of sounds that sound like mama, but they sound more like... mamamamamamamama.  He can wave bye-bye.  I have heard him say Baba for his bottle.  (Which he still likes to drink independently on the floor by himself.)  No holding this kid. (Refer back to the he is now happy when he learned independence.)

Here is Gavin's Signature pose.  He does this when he doesn't want to be talked to or someone he doesn't know talks to him.  He is quite the dramatic little boy.  I wonder where that comes from?

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