Thursday, March 01, 2012

Kaitlyn Quotes

Here are some fun quotes and conversations we have had with Kaitlyn.

We signed Kaitlyn up for Gymnastics with her friend Brayden.  So far they love it.  As we are getting ready to go Kaitlyn keeps insisting she needs to bring her backpack.  I told her no and she says: "But mom, I need it if I win a gold medal."

A few weeks ago my sister and mom took Kaitlyn and Gavin and my sister's nanny boys to the Science Musuem.  On the car ride down Kaitlyn wouldn't stop talking.  So, my mom asked her why she talks so much.  Her response was: "Because God gave us voices and people to talk to."  I guess we can't argue with that.

Last night on our way home from swimming lessons I started asking Kaitlyn questions about school. She says: "Mom, stop talking I am tired."

I asked Kaitlyn the other day what she did at school today.  Her response was: "Mom, I don't need to tell you, because you have been to high school and should know what I did today in school."  - Is this what we have to look forward too?  She is only in Preschool.
Nate hurt his shoulder a few weeks ago and it needed surgery.  While daddy was resting Kaitlyn went outside to her playset and started collecting ice.  She came in asking for a knife since the ice was stuck to the playground.  After some persuading she settled for an ice cream scooper.  Here is Kaitlyn so proud of her ice collection.

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