Friday, October 26, 2012

Annual Couples Halloween Party

Our friends throw a couples Halloween Party every year.  This year Nate and I actually planned a couple's themed costume. 
Nikki the hunter and Nate the Whitetail Deer!
Nate used real antler's to make his head piece.  I was pretty impressed!

This picture was for Kaitlyn.  She helped make Daddy's tail.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Minnetonka Orchards - A Tradition

A few weeks ago we headed to Minnetonka Orchards.  The weather was a little cloudy and cool, but nothing we couldn't handle for a few hours. 
Kaitlyn's Annual Picture with the Apple!

Gavin wasn't interested in pictures today. 

Apple Express here we come!

Gavin was fine on the train until he saw me.  Than he started crying.

I asked Nate to take pictures... and this is what I got... and see the time lapse below.  The slide was pretty fast and I had to use my feet to slow me down the whole way down.

Gavin loved driving the train.

Kaitlyn wasn't too excited about these pictures!

Chasing after sister!

Hay Ride up the big hill!

The McNeilly's!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kaitlyn's Hair Cut

Kaitlyn and I had a little Friday night outing last week.  We headed out to get her hair cut.  We had been meaning to do this for a long time, but just never had the time.  Kaitlyn's main goal was to have her haircut like her cousin Hailey's, so they could be twins.

Kaitlyn's first hair cut at a salon!

Making the first cut.

A little blow out!

All 6" inches of hair that we had cut off.

The finished product!

On our way home Kaitlyn said that she is not happy her hair doesn't look like Hailey's.  I said.. it does.  She began to explain to me that she wanted her hair to be more puffy and white like Hailey's and now they can't be twins.  (Hailey has some natural curls (puffy) and her hair is blonde, but is the same length as Kaitlyn's now.)

I am just happy that bath time can be more enjoyable without the dreaded crying while I brush out all the snarls. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nate's Muskie!

Wow, a post not associated with our children.  This past Sunday Nate went Muskie fishing with a good friend of ours.  Nate has been out Muskie fishing only 3 times.  I guess getting a Muskie so quickly is not an easy task as they are very smart fish.

After a few hours on Lake Minnetonka... Nate caught a 45 1/2 inch Muskie. They think it weighed around 22 lbs. Yicks!

Not sure how I feel about seeing these big fish in the lake I enjoy swimming in during the summer.

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Fall!

I honestly forgot that I hadn't posted some pictures from when we visited a local apple orchard and pumpkin patch a few weeks ago.  We met several families from the Fire Department for an afternoon at Luce Line Orchards in Watertown.
It was a beautiful Sunday to check out all the attractions.
Some of our friends!

Gavin and Liesl - Not too excited about a picture together.

Gavin was not interested in any more pictures.

Parker pushing Kaitlyn

Brayden, Parker and Kaitlyn on the Hay pile!

Brayden on the turtle

Family picture on the Hayride to the pumpkin patch.

Callie and Kaitlyn

Gavin trying to pull the wagon with our pumpkins

Big sister decided to help her little brother.

Some of the kids!  Not everyone was too excited about the group photo.

Ashlynn and Kaitlyn

We had a great time at the Luce Line Orchards.  We will be back next year!