Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kaitlyn's Hair Cut

Kaitlyn and I had a little Friday night outing last week.  We headed out to get her hair cut.  We had been meaning to do this for a long time, but just never had the time.  Kaitlyn's main goal was to have her haircut like her cousin Hailey's, so they could be twins.

Kaitlyn's first hair cut at a salon!

Making the first cut.

A little blow out!

All 6" inches of hair that we had cut off.

The finished product!

On our way home Kaitlyn said that she is not happy her hair doesn't look like Hailey's.  I said.. it does.  She began to explain to me that she wanted her hair to be more puffy and white like Hailey's and now they can't be twins.  (Hailey has some natural curls (puffy) and her hair is blonde, but is the same length as Kaitlyn's now.)

I am just happy that bath time can be more enjoyable without the dreaded crying while I brush out all the snarls. 

1 comment:

Amanda McDonald said...

Super Cute hair cut!