Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Running for City Council

This past September I decided to run as a Write-In Candidate for City Council.  I would be running against the 2 incumbents.  With the help of some friends I did some door to door campaigning... put up signs, handed out fliers and cards. 

I realized a few things during my campaign.

1. It is a lot of work to get your name out... especially when you have to get people to actually write-in your name and not just name recognition from a sign or flier they saw.

2. I am not cut out to be a mail carrier.... Kaitlyn and I attempted to drive around one of the neighborhoods to deliver fliers to the paper boxes... and let's just say I ended up getting of my car most of the time because I wasn't close enough to the paper box to reach from my car. 

Election day came and I did everything I could of to get my name out.  Again... Thank you to everyone that helped with my campaign.  I could not have done that without all of you.

In the end I did not win the election... but I did get about 20% of the vote... which I have been told is not a bad % for a write-in campaign.

I plan on running in 2 years with my name on the ballet.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Carving Pumpkins with Power Tools

This past weekend our friends Steve and Aimee and their kids came over to carve pumpkins.  After some pizza we headed to garage for some pumpkin carving.
Kaylee and Kaitlyn getting ready to carve pumpkins.

The Pumpkins!

The Power tools!

Aimee and Brayden trying the old fashion way of carving with a knife!

Steve using a more effective method with a Sawzall.

Brayden cleaning out his pumpkin.

Nate's turn with the power tool method.

Kaitlyn cleaning out her pumpkin!

Brayden's scary face.

Power tool #2

Aimee and Kaylee

Brayden's reaction to his scary pumpkin!

Brayden's re-enactment of his scary face.

Aimee's turn with the power tools!

Power tool #3

Finished pumpkins all lined up.

.... the other finished pumpkins.

Ashlynn's Pumpkin

Nate's pumpkin

Ashlynn's pumpkin

Nikki's Pumpkin

Kaitlyn's Pumpkin

Brayden's Pumpkin

Kaylee's Pumpkin

Steve's Pumpkin - Thanks for supporting me!

Aimee's Pumpkin

We had a great time and found out that power tools make carving pumpkins a lot easier.  Now we have to figure out a cleaner and faster way of cleaning them out.  Yuck! 

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Trick or Treating

We headed over to the Eggiman's for some Trick or Treating in their neighborhood.

Kaitlyn as Tangled!

Gavin as Tigger!


Tigger and Tangled!

Group Photo!  Gavin wasn't too impressed!

I guess Gavin wanted to be the first for trick or treating.

We decided to put in the back in hopes he wouldn't leave!  He wasn't too happy!

First House here we come!

Trick or Treat!

House #2

First attempt of a picture of Brayden and Kaitlyn!

Love this picture!

Gavin really got the hang of trick or treating!  He wasn't even shy!

I met my best friend Aimee four years ago on Halloween.  (Thanks to our husbands!)  They invited us over for a little bonfire in their driveway. Ever since that day.... we have built an amazing friendship. We had to celebrate our 4 year anniversary last night since they will be moving to a new home! We can't wait to create new memories there.

Brayden's (5 years old) attempt a picture of the adults!

Kaitlyn's (5 years old) first attempt at a group photo!

Kaitlyn's 2nd attempt... not too bad!