Monday, January 06, 2014

Polar Vortex

This winter has been very crazy.  We have had a lot of small snow falls (which is good for business), but we have also had a VERY COLD winter.  Normally we only see a few days of sub zero temps. and than we are back above zero for several weeks.  Not this year.  Our first real taste of cold temps was the beginning of January.  It was so cold that the Governor canceled school for MN!  Here are some images of our cold temps and what people on twitter posted.

7 Day FCST for 1/5 - 1/10/2014

Here is a tweet from one of the meteorologist from Channel 9.

The temperature reading in my car on the way to work.


The crazy part of this is that this was just the first phase of the Polar Vortex.  We had no idea we would experience this cold again in a few weeks.  So far this winter we have had 4 cold (snow) days where school has been canceled.

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