Friday, July 04, 2014

I am NOT a Runner

August of last year (2013) I decided to make some changes in my life... I was at my heaviest weight. (Truth: I weighed as much as I did fully pregnant, but this time I wasn't carrying a baby.)  I started a new food plan and started exercising.  Thank you to Alyssa and Jill for helping get back in shape.  Last year I ran my first 5K with my best friend Aimee.  I was slow, walked a lot, but I finished.  This summer I signed up for more 5K races.  I still don't think of myself as a runner, but I do enjoy the runners high after the race.

I signed up to do the Firecraker 5K in Excelsior with my girl friends Jennifer and Jenny.  It was fun to run in my old stomping grounds and finish with my best time yet.  35:28!  It's fun to see myself getting faster.

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