Tuesday, May 05, 2015

MOPS Fundraiser - Antique Photos

I joined a MOPS group last fall and one of their fundraisers you can bring your kids for some cool professional photos.  They provide the outfits and props.  Gavin and Kaitlyn loved the session and were sad when it was over!  After the session you signed up for time to come back a few weeks later to review and purchase the photos.  They used a photographer from out of town, so if you didn't review and pick-up that day the opportunity to purchase was over.  Now fast forward to the night of our appointment to review and pick-up....  My team had recently moved to their new office location in Downtown Minneapolis.  This new commute is almost 40 miles one way with downtown traffic.  Of course it is construction season and every road has some form of road work.  I left downtown at 4:30 and didn't get home until 7:00 missing my MOPs group.  Because of all the chaos I also missed my ONLY time to review and buy the pictures from the Antique photo session.  Realizing this error I tried to find someone to tell the photographer to wait so I could quick drive to Waconia to review.  The photographer is from out of state and was leaving to go back home that night.  So, at 9:30 at night I grabbed my sleeping kids (Nate was at fire training) and threw them in the car and rushed to Waconia. Gavin slept the whole time and didn't even realize we had left the house.  I am so glad I did because I bought all the pictures!!!

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