Sunday, September 27, 2015

Oh No!

While driving home from the camper one weekend... a tire on the boat trailer blew. (I could see the tire tread fly through the air in my mirror.) This has never happened to me before, but it wasn't as scary as I would have thought it would be.  I quickly pulled over and called Nate.  Good thing he was only 15 minutes away as I had no way to change the tire on my own.  I had both kids, so it wasn't safe for me to try to handle this on my own along side HWY 12. 
Nate arrived, but it still took over an hour to change.  Since the tire was off the road he had to dig a hole to be able to put on the spare tire (which happened to be flat)... so we had to use the boat to fill the spare with air!  Rest assured I made it home and the boat trailer got all new tires that winter. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


A few cute pictures of my nephews and Kaitlyn.
Benny and Brady - no one is looking

yeah Brady looked!

Yeah!  Benny Looked... I guess this is best I can do!

Kaitlyn and Benny

Kaitlyn looking grown-up with her Halloween lipstick on

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Annual ALS Walk

When my sister and I were planning this years walk... we had discussed how to get mom there... well.. it ended up being a memorial walk for my mom.  She lost her fight with ALS a few weeks prior to the walk.  We had another great turnout and am so thankful to all our family and friends that come and support us and remember our mom.  Here are some pictures from the walk.  I didn't do a good job of getting everyone's picture this year.

Thank you Engler's for coming and supporting our family.

Thank you Nathan and Kristin!

Thank you Angie and Todd!

Thank you Michelle!

Thank you!

What a great group of family and friends!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Got to get my Steps in

Ever since I started using a Fitbit... I love to walk everywhere.  When I have my weekly workouts at the community center I ask the kids if they want to walk or ride there bikes....  Kaitlyn usually rides her bike... but Gavin said on a particular day... "Mom I am going to walk... I have to get my steps in!"  So he ran inside grabbed a headband and his toy watch.  He wanted to be just like his mom.  So happy that I am teaching my children about a healthy lifestyle.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Gavin's First day of 4 Year Old Preschool

Gavin's last year of preschool before he heads off to Kindergarten. I can't believe he is getting so big. He is headed to Mrs. Cheri's class at Westwood Community Church in Excelsior.  My sister watches Gavin during the week and his cousin Brady started 3 year old preschool so we decided to send them to Westwood.  He gets to go to school 3 days a week.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Gavin and Brady were not too excited for all the first day of school pictures.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Annual Trip to the Luce Line Orchard

Every year we head over to the Luce Line Orchard in Watertown.  We love all the fun activities for kids and it's close to home.  Here is some pictures from this years trip.
Fun in the corn pit!

Gavin buried Kaitlyn in the corn.

How tall is Gavin this year?  Almost to the cow!

Selfie with a cow!

How tall is Kaitlyn this year?

Take number 2... this is what happens when you have your children taking pictures.

Posing by the turtles each year!

Sometimes they like each other!

In July 2015 a tornado touched down at the Luce Line Orchard... about 10 miles from our house.  They lost hundreds of trees!

Love this family photo!

Hayride to the corn maze!

Last trip on top of the hay mountain!  See you next year.

Cozy Corners Campground - Our summer rolled into one POST

Instead of separate posts of all the things we did this summer at our new Seasonal campground I decided to just put them all in the one post.  As you can tell we spent a lot of time on the lake.  We finally used our boat for more than 4 hours.  But that did come with a cost... I hit the front of the boat when the dock jumped out in front of us.  I also found a nice pile of rocks with the prop... thank goodness Nate was with so he could change out the prop at the sandbar.  And our last trip home the tire on the boat trailer blew and thank goodness Nate was only 15 minutes from our location he could come and change it along side the road.  Other than that we had a great summer.
My amazing Mother-in-law and I out on the boat.  

Heading to the sand bar!

Napping is always welcome on the boat after a long day on the lake.

My niece Hailey and I

Time to rinse off after a day on the lake.

Playing in the dog kennel!

Boating is tiring!

Evening boat cruise with Steve and Renee Doyle

My happy place!

Enjoying a little drink at the camper!

Cody loves camping too!

Another day on the lake!

Another time to take a nap!


We spent Father's Day at the camper this year.  The kids made cakes for daddy!

Daddy's girl!

I ran the 5K in Richmond with my friend Angela

Sunday boat cruise!

Cousin trip to the sandbar!

Luau at the campground!

Nate with Easton and Parker!

We love summer!

Gavin and Dylan enjoying the lake!

No more pictures!

Still gets cold in August!

Someone didn't want to walk up the hill!

Campfire with crazy wood!  Creepy!

They like each other when they are sleeping!

More selfies with the boat!

Labor Day was a perfect sand bar day!

Last boat cruise of the season.

Halloween at the campground!

Why not blow a tire on the boat trailer on the last day of boating season.