Sunday, September 27, 2015

Oh No!

While driving home from the camper one weekend... a tire on the boat trailer blew. (I could see the tire tread fly through the air in my mirror.) This has never happened to me before, but it wasn't as scary as I would have thought it would be.  I quickly pulled over and called Nate.  Good thing he was only 15 minutes away as I had no way to change the tire on my own.  I had both kids, so it wasn't safe for me to try to handle this on my own along side HWY 12. 
Nate arrived, but it still took over an hour to change.  Since the tire was off the road he had to dig a hole to be able to put on the spare tire (which happened to be flat)... so we had to use the boat to fill the spare with air!  Rest assured I made it home and the boat trailer got all new tires that winter. 

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