Saturday, October 31, 2015


Celebrated Halloween in Waverly, MN.  The weather wasn't as cold so we had fun on our hay ride through the neighborhoods.

 Kaitlyn and Kaylee
 The Whole Gang
 Ashlynn and Gavin waiting to head out for their treats.

 Steve taking the lead
 The Big Green Monster appeared after the kids went to bed.
 Josh needed a hair cut too!

Fun times with friends. (Kelly, Niki, Josh, Aimee, Nikki)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hilk Annual Halloween Party

Headed to our annual Hilk Halloween Party as a Captain and Coke!  We had a great time.  Thanks for hosting Brent and Alicia.  Just wish I took more pictures.

Angie Maetzold, Nikki, and Alicia Hilk

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Goodbye Camper for the Season

It's that time of the year again.... to say goodbye to the camper until Spring.  We headed to Cozy Corners to close up the camper one last time.  See you in April next year.

 Our last campfire before heading home!
 George decided to set the brush pile on fire.  We had a nice visit with Eden Valley Fire Department as well.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ALS Super Hero Dash 5K

In honor of my mom Aimee, Angela, and I ran the ALS Super Hero Dash in St. Paul.  It wasn't my best race, but still a lot of fun!

Friday, October 09, 2015

Crazy Hair Day

Every year during homecoming the school has special days to celebrate the week.  One of the days is "Crazy Hair Day".  Kaitlyn is a big fan of researching ideas on youtube and found a fun idea.

Want to know the secret?  (Empty water bottle and hair ties.)

Saturday, October 03, 2015

My Mom's Final Wish

My mom's final wish was to have her ashes spread in the Red River in Fargo, ND.  We all traveled to Fargo in October.  We found a great place along the river to send my mom off on her last journey north.  She loved the Red River and Fargo where she grew up.  So happy we could give her final wish.  Thank you to everyone that made the trek to wish my mom off on her final journey.

My Uncle Kevin bought some bright colored carnations to throw into the river with my mom's ashes.

My mom loved YELLOW flowers!  As you can see from the picture these carnations are in groupings of flowers and have all been thrown out away from shore.  Also note this is a river so it is always flowing.

After we emptied my mom's ashes into the river and stepped back... we noticed something...

A SINGLE YELLOW flower floated to shore into the middle of where my mom's ashes were put.

My mom was with us while we celebrated her!  Love you MOM!