Sunday, December 27, 2015

Head Lice

Our experienced our first case of Head Lice!  I had noticed during Christmas break that Kaitlyn had been itching her head quite often.  We than rec'd a text from our best friends that both their daughters had head lice.  So I checked and sure enough Kaitlyn had head lice.  It was complete chaos as we started researching and figuring out the process to eliminate this nuisance.  I stripped all the beds and started doing laundry.  I bagged up all the stuff animals anything else we wouldn't need for the next several weeks.  We vacuumed the beds, couches, flooring, and cars.  We even took a few loads of laundry to the laundromat.
 The huge piles of clothing/bedding to wash!
 The pile continued out past the laundry room into the hallway.

Our best friends daughter's had head lice too so we ended up face time and play games while we were stuck at home treating head lice!

We have learned several lessons during our first experience of head lice!  First time was slightly over kill!

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