Saturday, February 06, 2016

Surprise Trip to Arizona

We surprised the kids with a trip to Phoenix, AZ to see Aunty Donna.  We planned the trip on a Tuesday and flew to Arizona on Saturday.  We didn't tell the kids until Saturday morning.  It was Kaitlyn's second plane ride, but Gavin's first. They were so excited to wake up to find out they were going to go on a plane.

Heading to the airport.


Nate surprised me with a rental of the SUV I want.

Pool time at Donna's with Grandma Sue.

Aloe Drive

Golf Cart Ride

Mammoth Steak House

Organ Pizza!  So yummy and fun!

Getting ready to hike Silly Mountain with Cousin Jessie

So begins the journey!

Nate loves pictures!

Almost at the top!

Nikki with Nate's cousin Jessie

Relaxing by the pool.  The sun feels so good.

Swimming with Aunty Donna

Kaitlyn having fun with Donna

Aunty Donna's House!

Our favorite restaurant

Grandpa and Gavin

They do like each other

Heading home after a fun trip to Arizona!  It was a quick 4 days!

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