Sunday, March 27, 2016

Adults ONLY trip to Rivera Maya, Mexico

We took a much needed Adult only trip to Rivera Maya, Mexico with our best friends Aimee and Steve Eggiman.  We stayed at an amazing all inclusive resort.  The Riu Plaza... great food, amazing drinks, and fun pools. 
We made it to the beach!

Aimee is pretty excited to be by the ocean!

Nate loves pictures!

Steve and Nate enjoying some sunshine

Playa de Carmen

Senior Frogs - We were able to walk here from our hotel.

Our yummy drinks!

Who ordered this lady?

Okay... so is what happens in Mexico?

Aimee's turn!

Steve is next.

Pina Colada's are amazing!

In Mexico you can't take pictures on your excursions as all photography is taxed.  I didn't download all the pictures from our excursions for my blog. 

Heading out for some snorkeling.  I took a Dramamine for any motion sickness on the open order.  It worked!  I just was a little sleepy when we got back to the hotel. 

We climbed this.  Pretty scary for me as I am not a big fan of heights.  The way up was easier than the way down.  I ended up slowly scooting down the structure.

Our last day in paradise.

Enjoying the warmth and sun on our last day in Mexico!

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