Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Black Tongue

You are probably wondering why I titled this one black tongue, well it is quite the story. Last week I stayed home because I wasn't feeling to well. I caught that wonderful cold going around. (At least I am getting it over with early. ) Anyway, I woke up the next day and went to brush my teeth and my tongue was black. Yes, it was all black. I was trying not to over react, but I was really freaked out by it. It came off when I brushed it off with my toothbrush, but I couldn't think of what caused this. I had taken some night-quil capsules the night before, but they were green and why would it turn my tongue black. I asked MotoRider and he just hugged me and said that I might be dying and than went to work.

I got to work and it just so happened that a nurse was coming in to give us flu shots, so I asked her about my little problem. The good thing is that she solved my mystery. She told me that Pepto-Bismol has been known to make your tongue black. And guess what... I had taken a chewable tablet the night before.

I do apologize that I didn't take a picture of this great episode in my life.


Anonymous said...

you should have taken a picture!

Anonymous said...

Pepto-Bismol? I still think it was something else:-) You know what I mean:)))