Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is already over and we only have 4 weeks until Christmas. Motorider and I went to St. Cloud and celebrated this festive occasion with his family. We spent the day reviewing all the Black Friday ads and eating. I also did my annual trip to ShopKo with Mel (Motorider sister's) and Angie (Motoriders cousin). I am not a big fan of shopping on Black Friday. I usually like to avoid the crowds, but this year I couldn't go because I offered to babysit Hailey (Motorider's niece). Motorider's mom was nice enough to pick up a few things that I wanted.

Hailey and I spent the day playing, reading, going on a walk, and taking pictures. Here are a few pictures that we took. I have also included a family photo of Motorider and I. Enjoy!!

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