Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Four Months Old... plus more!!!

Four Months Old
I can't believe that my baby is 4 months old today.
Nate and I took Kaitlyn for her four month doctor's appointment. She is getting bigger, but is still pretty small to her peers. In the doctor's words: "She is short!" Here are her stats:
Height - 21 1/4 - 3%
Weight - 11 lbs. 13 oz - 12%
Head size - 15 1/2 - 10%

Even though she is small she is a very active little girl. She loves playing with some toys, giggles and laughs with her dad when he is home with her. They love spending time together.
I tried really hard to get her to smile, but she just got four shots in her legs... so she wasn't too happy with her mommy and daddy.

A Visit to Grandma's House we go...
This past weekend Anne, Kaitlyn and I went to Perham to visit our Grandma and other family members in the area. We spent a lot of time visiting with my aunt and uncle Barb and Gary and Cousin's. My Grandma got to meet Kaitlyn for the first time. I am so happy that we got some pictures taken.
Here is Kaitlyn, Great Grandma Florence, Nikki, and Auntie Anny. It was fun to see all my cousins and aunts and uncles.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Weekend to Remember

"A Poopy Engagement" - Literally speaking.
Let me set the scene on how Nate would describe the event. It is Sunday evening at the Moore McNeilly household. We are enjoying our newly arranged basement and space heater. During a commercial break of Extreme Homemaker, I got up to go to the bathroom. Nate on the other hand had other plans from when I came out of the bathroom. He turns on the hallway light and gets down on one knee. (He claims he was waiting for some time.) When I come out I ponder why the hallway light is on and as I turn the corner he is down on one knee. I was very surprised and just couldn't believe it. (How did I not figure this out?) He asked me to marry him and I said.... YES!!!!! Kaitlyn on the other hand is sitting nicely in her swing and was making a little surprise of her own. Yes, she decided to poop through her diaper and her daddy had the privilege to change it. So, after all was said and done... it was literally a poopy engagement, but one worth remembering. We haven't set a date, but I will make sure to let you all know.

Kaitlyn's Baptism
Not only did I get engaged on December 9th, but our sweet girl was welcomed into God's family. She was baptised at the 11am service at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior. My favorite Pastor's Scott and Dave officiated the ceremony. She looked so cute in her dress that was worn by her Grandma Sue, Great Aunts, First Cousins once removed, Aunts, and Cousin Hailey. She is the third generation to wear this dress for her Christening. She only cried while we put the water on her head... Pastor Dave said that he did put ice cubes in it. (I do know that he was only joking.) After the service we enjoyed some home cooked sloppy joes at her Grandpa Bob's House.

My sister Anne and her boyfriend Randy are Kaitlyn's God Parents. We are happy to have them be part of her Christian Life.

Why you don't go on Vacation in our office.... Especially to a warm climate.

My co-worker Scott decided to take last week off and spend time in Cabo with his wife and friends. This left the rest of us to suffer through 2 snow storms and frigid temperatures. We didn't want Scott to feel left out of our weekly adventures... so we decided his office needed a makeover... Remember the saying... A pictures says a thousand words...

I have one last picture I want to add to this post. It is my favorite picture of our little girl. She is wearing a hat that my co-worker knitted for her. She also loves to play with her toys and smile for the camera.

She is getting so big... Last night she was cooing and a lot... She is going to be a talker like her mom. I really think she was having a conversation with me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow, I can't believe that Thanksgiving has already come and gone. Pretty soon it will be 2008 and Christmas will seem like a distant past. I don't really have any themed pictures for Thanksgiving, but I thought you would enjoy some cute pictures of Kaitlyn. The other night we decided to put her in her exersaucer... and she loved it. Granted we have to stuff a blanket around her since she is so little and her arms don't reach the toys, but she loves to look at all of them. I also would like to point out that her little legs just dangle, but I solved that problem by putting a pillow under them so she can stand a little better. Thomas loves hanging out under there too as you can see in the picture.Thanksgiving we spent in St. Cloud at Nate's Aunt and Uncles... okay it was Sauk Rapids, but who's keeping track. Than on Saturday we went to my dad and sister's house for a ham dinner. Kaitlyn loved to see her aunty and grandpa. This next Saturday they will be watching her while we go to Nate's works holiday party.

Here is Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly with all the Grandkids. Kaitlyn, Cousin Hailey, and Cousin Darren. Cousin Hailey loves her baby cousin and helps me when I change her diapers. Darren doesn't really seem to care yet... but just wait until she starts wanting to play with his toys.

Here is Kaitlyn with Grandpa Moore. I am not sure what she is looking at, but it takes some patience to get the right look for all the pictures I take... You should see what I have for other picture attempts.
Here is Kaitlyn playing with Daddy last weekend. She is so smiley in the morning that you can't help but want to wake up and play with her. She also took another big step this weekend. Well, maybe not Kaitlyn, but mommy. She is now taking naps in her crib... I haven't made the move for sleeping there at night... that will take some more courage on Mommy's part.

Monday, November 19, 2007

3 Months Old

Wow, our little girl is 3 months old today. She is growing up so fast. Her new achievements are that she loves to smile. She is so happy in the morning when we are getting ready. She just lays in her bassinet smiling and giggling while I get ready for work. We pretty much have a routine down in the morning.
The past three weekends we have been in Mora. Nate did some deer hunting while Nate's mom, sisters, and aunts went to local craft fairs. This past weekend Kaitlyn cried real tears. We think she was a little gassy and her little stomach wouldn't let it out... so she cried. It was cute, but sad to see her little eyes water up and tears run down her cheeks. Daddy pumped her legs to get things moving to relieve some of the pressure.

It is so much to watch her grow and become more active and alert. She loves to watch her cousins play when we are up north. It is also fun to dress her in 0-3 months clothes finally! She was wearing newborn clothes for the first 2 1/2 months of her life... Now the challenge is to make sure she gets to wear each outfit before she out grows them.
Here is Kaitlyn smiling... it is hard to get her to keep smiling. She gets a little confused when you put the camera up to your face.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dairy Queen

This blog is not about Dairy Queen the restaurant, but my new title. My co-worker has renamed my slog from "Drama Queen" to "Dairy Queen". Most of you know that I have chosen to breastfeed Kaitlyn because of the following benefits:

1. The best thing for Kaitlyn
2. Less poopy diapers
3. Readily Available at the right temperature.
5. Bigger Boobs

Because I have chosen to breastfeed and work full-time I need to dispense my supply during business hours. My boss has provided me a new pumping space in our conference room. The only problem is that this room does not have a lock and can be used by anyone in our office. So, I had to make a sign to make sure that I was not disturbed during this process.

Today is also Halloween and our little Kaitlyn has on a cute little pumpkin sleeper with matching pumpkin hat. I was tempted to go trick or treating tonight, but thought I would get some strange looks if I show up asking for candy with a 2 month old. Maybe if I dressed up like a cow I would get a better response?

Here is our little pumpkin with her daddy this morning. Unfortunately we won't be having any trick or treaters at our house this year. We are still not able to drive to our house. It has been over 4 weeks... but I hear that we should be able to by the weekend. I am crossing my fingers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2 Months Old

Our little girl is getting big. Last Friday she turned 2 months old. I can't believe that I have been back at work for 4 weeks now. Yesterday she went to her 2 month old wellness check. As I have mentioned before she is able to roll over from her front to back and back to front. According to my aunt it is not necessarily intentional, but she can do it. This weekend I tried to see if she would roll over, but never did... until I found out the secret. She has to be mad before she will do it. Back to her wellness check... the doctor put her on her stomach and said "Okay, show off for us..." Kaitlyn got upset and rolled over right in front of doctor and myself. It was so exciting. According to her doctor... "She is an over achiever." She now weights 9 lbs. (12th % tile), and is 20 1/2 inches long (3rd %). The good thing is that she is following the curve on all areas of weight, height, and head size. She also got a few vaccinations, which she did not like. The look on her face was so sad, but she calmed down with a little extra TLC from mommy.
Here is Kaitlyn's 2 month old picture with the duck. She is almost bigger than the duck. She isn't smiling at you just yet, but she does smile when she feels like it.

This past weekend we went to Mora so Nate could set up his deer stand. All his aunts were up to see Kaitlyn and her cousins. I had plenty of babysitters for the weekend. Here is a picture of Kaitlyn with her cousin Hailey. Hailey is 2 1/2 and just loves her baby cousin Kaitlyn.

I took this picture a few weeks ago, but it is just too cute not to put on my blog. Here is my other favorite Hailey helping me feed Kaitlyn a bottle. My neighbor Hailey loves to help me with Kaitlyn by giving me blankets, so she is always warm. She has also helped her mommy when they babysit Kaitlyn for us.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of the year for pumpkin patches and falling leaves. This past weekend Anne, Kristin, Kaitlyn, and I went to a pumpkin patch in Wyoming. (Not the state, but the city in MN.) The weather was perfect and Kaitlyn decided it wasn't what she was expecting, so she slept pretty much the whole time. Or she could have been awake with her eyes closed because it was kind of bright outside. Either way, it didn't stop us from having her enjoy the festivities. She got her picture taken with some kind of strange animal.... that I can't remember the name of.
We also went on a tractor ride, found our way through the hay maze, and took pictures in the pumpkin patch.
Here is Kaitlyn and I posing in a pumpkin cut out. As you can tell Kaitlyn wanted nothing to do with it. I think she thinks that if she closes her eyes, she can't be seen. I kept telling her that it will be fun, but she didn't care.

This is my favorite picture from our adventure. Kaitlyn decided that this picture was worth taking, so she opened her eyes. Overall, we all enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temperatures. I think next year she will be more enthusiastic about going.

The other big milestone is that she rolled over yesterday. I know we are all amazed. I have yet to witness this, but when I picked her up from my aunt and uncles they said she rolled from her back to stomach more than once. I guess being early isn't an issue for our little girl.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Under Construction

Many of you know that the road in front of our house is being redone this fall. This little project will most likely cost us a good chunk of change that we will get to pay for the next 10-15 years! Don't worry - we will be having a party to celebrate this new look to our house. You may be wondering why I would blog about road construction... Well, you see... for the last 2 weeks we haven't been able to park in our driveway. I take part of that back... Nate has parked in the driveway one week longer than I did, but that is because he has 4 wheel drive and is a boy. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but try to tote a 6 week old with all her gear through our backyard and the neighbors in the rain. Our garage now holds the stroller and the boat.
Most of the time we can park in my neighbor Diane and Brandon's yard... but I have been able to park in my space in the cul-de-sac close to our house. I think people just know that we have a newborn so they leave the space for me. Here are some updated pictures of Kailtyn. She is growing so fast. We just finished a week without pooping, but the doctor told me not to be concerned. I never knew I would be talking about poop so much now that I have a little girl. The joys of parenthood. She is getting into a schedule too. She usually goes to bed around 8 and doesn't wake up until 2 or 3 to eat. After that she is up every 2-3 hours. At least I get more than 4 hours of solid sleep in a row. I can't believe that it has been almost 8 weeks that I haven't slept through the night.

This is Kaitlyn's first bath in her baby bath tub. Daddy took some pictures and video. I think she enjoyed being in the warm water. She really likes it when daddy washes her hair. That is what calmed her down last week when she wouldn't stop crying for 4 days in the evenings.

Here she is sleeping in her swing. She gets to wear a bib all the time because she likes to spit up a lot. Sometimes she seems to spit up everything I just fed her. She also gets to wear little mittens so she doesn't scratch her face up.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Mommy Brain

Most pregnant woman experience what people call "Pregnancy Brain". No one warned me about "Mommy Brain". Let me recap two stories that have happened to me last week. Last Monday Kaitlyn and I went to the doctor for a Jaundice check and than off to the grocery store. My shopping list consisted of 3 items for dinner that night. Well, since I was at the store I decided to pick up a few more things... well that turned into $100 worth of groceries. Just as I was bagging my groceries I realized I forgot to get 2 of 3 items I originally came to the store for. So, I parked my completely bagged shopping cart and ran back with Kaitlyn to get the 2 items. I quickly paid for the items and proceeded to my car. It was there I realized that I forgot to grab the 2 items I just purchased. Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal, but when you have a newborn to tote around too it just adds to the whole experience.

The sad part of mommy brain is that it happens more than once. My second mommy brain experience was on Friday. I needed to return some things at Target and Walmart and to pick up a few things before we left to Mora for the weekend. So, I decided to go to Hutchinson to do my shopping. (It takes 30 minutes in any direction to get to a Target or Walmart.) Once we got to Hutch I realized that I forgot the diaper bag. No big deal, right? Normally it wouldn't be, but that is where my wallet was... so here I am 30 minutes from home with a newborn and no money. (Plus I don't know anyone that lives in or near Hutch that I could call to borrow some money.) So, we returned the items and back home we went. The problem was that I needed to get some things before Nate got home. When we got home the diaper bag was right where I left it... on the garage floor. I grabbed the bag and double checked that my wallet was inside and went to Target in Chaska.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

One Month Old

Today Kaitlyn is one month old. This past Sunday was my original due date. It feels good to not be pregnant anymore. The funny part is that I would do it all over again... even the labor without pain medicine. It is worth all the worry and pain. I can't believe that I have to go back to work in a week in a half.

Here is a picture of Kaitlyn today. She is laying on the beautiful quilt my cousin Michelle made for her.

We went to the doctor on Monday and she gained another 7 ounces, so she officially weighs 6lbs. and 13 ounces. She is still jaundice, but her numbers are slowly getting lower on her own. We don't have to go back until her 2 month wellness appointment.

This past weekend Kristin came over to visit Kaitlyn. Here is a picture of her visit.

Monday Auntie Anny came over and watched Kaitlyn while I went to get my hair done. They spent the afternoon taking pictures and hanging out.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Picture Perfect or Not?

Today Anne, Kaitlyn and I went on a little shopping trip. Our main goal was to get Kaitlyn's newborn pictures taken. We got to the mall around 11 and set up an appt. for 2. Since we had a few hours to spare we had lunch and did a little shopping. The whole time Kaitlyn slept peacefully in her car seat while we made our way around the mall.

At 2 we went back to get her pictures taken and Kaitlyn started waking up. So, we got her already and the put her down to start taking pictures... and she started screaming. I tried every technique to get her to calm down so we could continue... I mean start our photo session. (We were able to get one picture taken.) After about 15 minutes of trying to get her to stop crying... we decided to just try again another day. I guess she just wasn't ready to get her pictures taken. We are going to try again tomorrow!

Well, we had a successful picture session yesterday. Kaitlyn and I went back to JCPenny and tried to take her pictures again. She cried in the car on the way and right before, but stopped when we started taking pictures. Yeah!!! They are so cute! I can't wait to get them back.
Here are some updated pictures..

Here is Kaitlyn at 2 weeks old enjoying life at home. She has started being more awake now. She is usually awake in the morning around 9 am to 11 am. Than she fusses before she starts falling asleep again. She also wakes up around 2 or 3 and again fusses when she is waking up. Than she wakes up sometime in the evening for 2 hours before bed.

Here is Kaitlyn and Cody. Cody was a good boy and laid still for us to take a few pictures.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

An Unexpected Arrival

What can I say? Our daughter made her appearance on August 19th, 2007 at 9:03 am. Yes, she was four weeks early, but that isn't the best part of her arrival. (Her actual arrival date should have been September 16th - meaning that I would still be PG right now.) Let me take you back to the Thursday before Kaitlyn was born.

It was my 36 week appointment and the doctor checked me. I was 2 centimeters and 70% effaced. (Whatever that means... but everyone informed me including my doctor that I would not deliver over the weekend.) (I have to add something I forgot to mention... I lied when I said everyone told me I would not deliver over the weekend. Diane had a dream the week before we left that my water would break this weekend and told me to stay home and hang out with her.) So, on Friday Nate and I were on our way to Alexandria with his parents, sisters, and niece and nephew. (Don't worry I made sure that I knew where the hospital was when we drove through Alexandria.)

Saturday night while trying to fall asleep and waiting for Nate to get back from the bar, my back started to hurt. I started praying to just let me fall asleep and that I couldn't be in labor. After a few hours of trying to ignore my back pain... my water broke. By this time Nate was in bed sleeping and so were his parents. Of course, I had to wake up everyone to let them know that I was pretty confident that my water broke. I called my doctor and they informed me that driving 2 hours home was not in our best interest. So, off to the Dakota County Hospital at about 2 in the morning. Of course, I was nervous as my contractions were five minutes apart.

The Labor...
Before I was afraid that I wouldn't know when I was in Labor... to be honest when my back started to hurt I was questioning what was going on... It wasn't until my water broke that I realized that I was definitely in labor. Once we got to the hospital my contractions started getting stronger and every 2-3 minutes. (No time to rest in-between - so frustrating.) The most disappointing part was that I was still only dilated to a 2. (What?) They did give me some sort of pain medicine to take the edge off... so I could rest... what do you mean rest? Plus, what is the deal with the number scale for pain... Um... my pain level... is off the chart. Oh, the pain medicine to take the edge off did not help during the most active part of my labor. I asked for a epidural, but I needed to be dilated to a 4 before they give you that. By 8 am I could tell that things were changing. They checked me again and I was dilated to 7... I guess I won't be getting an epidural. Than at 9:03 she was born. Here are some wonderful Nikki quotes during labor...
"Can't you just go in and get her?"

"Get the doctor now... I mean NOW... I need to push."

Doctor - "Do you want to feel her head?"
Nikki - "NO! I just want her out.... NOW!!!!!" - I don't even want to see this happening. I can feel it and that is enough for me.

FYI - Don't get a pedicure on vacation and close to your due date... unless you want to deliver that day.
Kaitlyn Jean McNeilly weighed 6 lbs. and was 18 1/2 inches long. I wonder what she would have been if she was full term... Some people tell me the last month of pregnancy is the worst, so I am happy I missed that.

About 24 hours after Kaitlyn was born she developed a mild case of Jaundice. We had to stay an extra day in the hospital so that her numbers were low enough to get home. On Wednesday night at 7pm Kaitlyn was discharged and we were on our way home. The next day we went into our clinic to have her Bilirubin checked and it had jumped from 11 points to 16.9. (Still not in the danger zone.) The doctor ordered us to keep her on a bili-bed. This special bed has UV lights that helped her process the bilirubin in her system. So, the past 3 weeks we have been taking Kaitlyn in to get blood drawn every other day. She is still Jaundice, but the doctor thinks she is starting to work through it. The doctor thinks the main reason she is Jaundice is because she was so early. This has really taught me patience.

Kaitlyn did not mind laying on the bed. I think it was harder for me to not be able to hold her unless she was eating. We did this for several days. For the past week we haven't had to use the bed. Plus, the doctor gave us a week break from the Lab. We don't go back until next Monday to check her levels. Oh, and she weigh 6 lbs. 6 oz. as of Friday.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Another Wedding

Last Friday my good friend Chad got married. Nate and I enjoyed the nice weather and beautiful scenery of Lake Minnetonka. They had a very nice ceremony under the tent with some great food and dancing. We are so excited to have Ashley join our group of friends. Saturday Nate and I spent all day out on the lake. We invited my sister Anne, her friend Lindsay, and our friend Sean out with us. We had a blast floating in different bays, feeding the sunfish our lunch, and enjoying a nice dinner at Lord Fletchers. The weather and water were perfect. You could not have asked for a better day. We sure do enjoy being able to spend time on the lake with our friends.

Here is Nate and I on our way back to the launch. The sunset was beautiful. We hope that we have a few more weekends like this before our daughter arrives.

Here is a picture of my sister and her friend Lindsay. We all got a lot of sun that day. Sean wasn't too big into letting me take a picture of him. Maybe next time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Weekend Full of Events

Brandon and Diane Tied the Knot
This past Saturday our neighbors Brandon and Diane got married. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding in Minnetonka. The weather was perfect. Diane and I started our morning by getting our hair done. Then it was off to get dressed and ready for pictures. We took pictures down by Minnehaha creek... I can't wait to see how they turned out. Here is a picture of Diane and I after we got our hair done. It was fun to have someone else do our hair for a change.
Here is a picture of Nate and I right before the wedding. I am just so happy that it wasn't humid out, so we could enjoy being outside for most of the day. The reception was at Brandon's parents house where we had dinner and a bonfire. By the end of the night I was ready to just lay down in our bed. My back was so sore from all the activities from the day. (The joys of being 8 months pregnant.)

Baby Shower in Mora

After my big day on Saturday my weekend was far from over. Sunday morning I got up and drove to Mora for Nate's side of the family baby shower. We had so much fun playing the games that Mandi (Nate's sister) and Angie (Nate's cousin) thought of for the shower.
One game we played was to see who could drink the most liquid out of a bottle within a certain period of time. Of course I didn't win, but it was really fun to watch everyone else trying to drink as fast as they could.
Hailey (Nate's niece) helped me open all my gifts. She was a big help. We asked her "Where is Nikki's baby?" - Hailey's response "In mommy's tummy!" Thank you to everyone for giving us such wonderful gifts.
After the shower I had to drive back to Eden Prairie for Nate's company picnic. We enjoyed some BBQ, swimming, and soccer. Of course I was just a bystander on the game playing, but it was fun to talk to all his co-workers and spouses.
I am so happy that my busy weekend is over and next weekend I will get to relax on the lake.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thoughts for the Week

Maternity Swimsuits
Being pregnant in the summer sometimes means that you might have to wear a cute maternity swimsuit. Luckily, my co-worker offered to give me her maternity swimsuit. (Who wants to buy a maternity swimsuit with the chance you might not be pregnant during the same time the next time around.) But the history of this swimsuit doesn't just go back to one co-worker. This swimsuit originated with another co-workers daughter. I love how maternity clothes are shared and borrowed. (I would like to thank my co-worker Cassie who has borrowed me several summer maternity outfits during my pregnancy.)

I know this isn't my most flattering picture, but I thought I would share.

I am Not a Shower Virgin Anymore

Last week my co-workers threw me a baby shower. We went to my favorite restaurant Olive Garden for some dinner and gift giving. I got a lot of cute girls outfits and other very essential baby supplies. When I got home I had to organize all my gifts and put them into her room. Of course I have already rearranged things 3 or 4 times, but who is counting. I think I am addicted to organizing her room.

Here is a picture of all my co-workers that joined in my first baby shower. It was fun to just get together outside of work. I want to thank everyone for coming and for all the beautiful gifts.

Here is our daughters first cell phone. What little girl doesn't need a cell phone and to grow up just like her mommy.

Three Hour Doctor's Visit
Last Friday I got to spend the morning at the doctor's office. It wasn't my first choice of things to do, but I had failed my one hour gestational diabetes test a few weeks earlier. So, I got the privilege of sharing my Friday morning in the waiting room. My morning started by drinking sugar... Okay it was in a orange favored drink... but it took some effort to get it down. (Plus you only have 5 minutes to drink it.) The three hours they took blood samples to be tested. I only ended up with a few bruises. I passed the time away with reading my book and writing Thank yous from my shower the night before.

During my three hour test I also had my 30 week doctor's appt. My new fear is pre-term labor, but my doctor assured me that I was not showing signs and that everything was closed and exactly where is should be. In the 2 weeks since my last doctor's appt. I didn't gain any weight, but I am measuring perfectly. I guess they look at your overall weight gain more than the weight you gain between appointments.

Monday my nurse called to tell me that my tests came back normal and that I was not showing signs of gestational diabetes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Week in Review

A Big Purchase
This weekend Nate and I decided we couldn't pass up a great deal on a new boat. Friday after work Nate called me to come look at a new boat. By the time we left the marine store we had put down $500 and started the paperwork to purchase a new 2007 Stingray 195LX. The next morning they called telling us that we qualified. Within minutes Nate was in the truck ready to go. A few hours after that we were out on Christmas Lake enjoying the water on the hottest day of the year. Sunday we took our friends Jeff and Kailey out on Lake Minnetonka. We spend the day cruising around the lake and looking at houses and swimming in different bays. After a few hours we noticed some dark clouds coming, so we headed back to the launch. The moment we pulled the boat out of the lake the wind picked up and it started to rain.

Last night Nate and I took my Uncle Jim out on Lake Waconia. We were able to put on a few more hours so that we can now official pull skiers, wakeboarders, and tubers. Next summer we will be purchasing some of the water toys.

Here is a picture of our boat right before we were going to launch on Lake Waconia.

Here I am relaxing the other night on Lake Waconia. Here is Nate and my Uncle Jim enjoying the nice weather on Lake Waconia. The lake was calm, so I didn't have to worry about being bounced around.

Ten Years Already?

This past Saturday Nate and I went to my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe that I graduated high school 10 years ago. Where did the time go? I saw a lot of old friends that I had lost touch with over the past few years. Of course after we left I kept thinking of people I wish would have come. Everyone kept telling me that after high school time flies by. They were not joking.



A few weeks ago Nate and I went camping with Nate's family. We spent the weekend near Mille Lacs at a beautiful campground. The weather was beautiful... warm sunny days and cool evenings. It was so nice to be away from home and spending time with family.
Cody loved being outside the whole weekend. He did get tired of being tied up, but he did get plenty of walks and playing catch. He also enjoyed being around Hailey who played catch with him.
The campground we stayed at had several activities for kids. Here is Hailey and Darren enjoying the train ride around the campground. Mel, Mandi, and I also enjoyed the train ride. The only problem was that Hailey kept asking about the train. We had to keep telling her that the train was sleeping.

There was also a 4th of July parade around the campground. Auntie Mel did a wonderful job decorating Hailey's trike. She made it almost all the way around the campground before she was ready to be done.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Weekly Update

Doctor's Appointment - 28 weeks or 7 Months

Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more months until our little one arrives. Today was my monthly doctor's appointment. My previous post noted that I didn't gain any weight, but things have changed. In one week I have gained 4 lbs. What???? There went my joys of no weight gain. My doctor reassures me that my overall 17 lbs. weight gain is just right. Not only did I gain 4 lbs. but I got a shot in my butt. The joys of having RH Negative blood.

The big news is that I failed my one hour gestational diabetes test. Yes, I had to drink some orange pop tasting sugar, wait one hour, and than get my blood drawn. Unfortunately, I didn't pass meaning I get to spend 3 hours in the doctor's office. That is right three hours. I plan on getting some reading done. My doctor reassured me that 25% don't pass the one hour test pass the 3 hour test. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will pass the 3 hour test.
Here are a few pictures from Kristin's Birthday party last weekend. I hope you enjoy my rounded figure.
Sometimes I forget that my front side clearance has changed. A few times I have closed the car door and my stomach got in the way. The other day my co-workers and I went to lunch. We sat outside on the patio at a high top table. I was unable to move my chair forward while sitting, so my co-worker Cassie tried to help. With no success, I just sat at the edge of the chair so I could reach the table.Here is a picture of Jessa, Kristin, and I at Kristin's house for her birthday dinner.

Dumb Dog Award

I am giving this award to our dog Cody. I would like to first note that Cody is scared to jump into and out of the back of Nate's truck. Nate has to lift him up into the bed of the truck. We have tried everything so he does it himself and nothing seems to work. The other day Nate and I decide to take him to the lake for some swimming. (Nate has previously taken Cody to the lake the last several days.) Anyway, as we are just about to pull into the launch area, Cody decides to jump over the side of the truck (while in motion). Nate watches him do a complete somersault and land on his head. In shock he just lays there until Nate jumps out of the truck. Cody gets up and is ready to play catch in the water. After a few times in the water I notice that he has some road rash on his head. The good news is that he is okay, but now he gets tied up when he rides in the back.