Wednesday, August 18, 2010

MN Zoo in July

My sister Anne and my mom took Kaitlyn to the MN Zoo in July.  They met up with a good friend and her 2 daughters.  Here are some pictures from the trip.
 Anne, Stephanie, Nana, Mia (2 years), Nova (2 months), and Kaitlyn at the Zoo!
 Kaitlyn visiting the Tigers!
 Nana and Kaitlyn
 Aunty Anne and Kaitlyn
 Stephanie, Anne, Nova, Mia, and Kaitlyn

 Splash Pad.  Mia had to show Kaitlyn what to do!
 Best Friends already!

 So cute!
Everyone had a great time at the Zoo.  Too bad Mommy and Daddy had to work and couldn't go!

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