Thursday, August 31, 2006

You Punched Me...

Thinking back to the last 24 hours many things come to mind, but one I can still feel. It was a nice quiet night in Mayer, MN. I was sleeping peacefully under the covers, when out of the blue MotoRider punches me in the arm. Nearly in tears I question MotoRider of his actions. No response comes from MotoRider. So, I simply go back to sleep. In the morning, I of course need to let MotoRider know about last nights events. MotoRider has no memory of this event. (I am hoping for a bruise to have proof of this event.) MotoRider apologizes for his action, kisses it all better and leaves for work. (MotoRiders acknowlegdgement and fixing of last nights incident will be fully noted and stored in my memory.)

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