Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

First - I would like to apologize that I have not updated my blog in almost a month. Life has been busy and I just haven't had anything really exciting happen leaving me no material to work with for my blog.

Most of you know that Nate is out of town until April or so. Yesterday afternoon he calls me all upset because he has tried all day to have flowers delivered to my work on valentine's day. Each place he called was either too expensive to deliver or he couldn't get through. (I guess he had called my neighbor 6 times trying to figure it out.) After some quick discussion I told him that he didn't have to get me flowers and that his attempt was enough for me.

Later that night my doorbell rang and my neighbor had a dozen roses for me from Nate. He had called her and asked if she could pick up some flowers and bring them to me. It was a nice surprise.

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