Thursday, June 28, 2007

Weekly Update

Doctor's Appointment - 28 weeks or 7 Months

Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more months until our little one arrives. Today was my monthly doctor's appointment. My previous post noted that I didn't gain any weight, but things have changed. In one week I have gained 4 lbs. What???? There went my joys of no weight gain. My doctor reassures me that my overall 17 lbs. weight gain is just right. Not only did I gain 4 lbs. but I got a shot in my butt. The joys of having RH Negative blood.

The big news is that I failed my one hour gestational diabetes test. Yes, I had to drink some orange pop tasting sugar, wait one hour, and than get my blood drawn. Unfortunately, I didn't pass meaning I get to spend 3 hours in the doctor's office. That is right three hours. I plan on getting some reading done. My doctor reassured me that 25% don't pass the one hour test pass the 3 hour test. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will pass the 3 hour test.
Here are a few pictures from Kristin's Birthday party last weekend. I hope you enjoy my rounded figure.
Sometimes I forget that my front side clearance has changed. A few times I have closed the car door and my stomach got in the way. The other day my co-workers and I went to lunch. We sat outside on the patio at a high top table. I was unable to move my chair forward while sitting, so my co-worker Cassie tried to help. With no success, I just sat at the edge of the chair so I could reach the table.Here is a picture of Jessa, Kristin, and I at Kristin's house for her birthday dinner.

Dumb Dog Award

I am giving this award to our dog Cody. I would like to first note that Cody is scared to jump into and out of the back of Nate's truck. Nate has to lift him up into the bed of the truck. We have tried everything so he does it himself and nothing seems to work. The other day Nate and I decide to take him to the lake for some swimming. (Nate has previously taken Cody to the lake the last several days.) Anyway, as we are just about to pull into the launch area, Cody decides to jump over the side of the truck (while in motion). Nate watches him do a complete somersault and land on his head. In shock he just lays there until Nate jumps out of the truck. Cody gets up and is ready to play catch in the water. After a few times in the water I notice that he has some road rash on his head. The good news is that he is okay, but now he gets tied up when he rides in the back.

Monday, June 25, 2007

A Full Week of Events

Happy Anniversary turns into spilled milk...
Sunday was Nate and I's two year anniversary. I can't believe that it has been 2 years. I feel like he has been a part of my life forever. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He has been patient and understanding as I work through all my drama. My therapist tells me that I have improved greatly. Enough about my other life long drama and back to the present...

Last night I got home from Diane's Bridal Shower and sitting on top of the stairs is a new carpet cleaner. You are probably thinking... What a nice anniversary gift? It is, because we do have a dog that likes to pee on our visitors and a little one on the way. Now we can clean the carpets whenever we want to... the freedom this provides is awesome. Anyway, last night we make steak, corn, and rolls for dinner. Our routine is just to sit by the TV and eat dinner. I have now resorted to using a TV tray because I am not as bendable as before. As I set my dinner and full glass of milk on the tray - I try to squeeze in-between the couch and the TV tray... Of course my belly gets in the way and I bump the TV Tray. My entire glass of milk (in slow motion of course) spills everywhere. It spilled on the dog, Nate, the couch, the coffee table, myself, and the carpet... So, after some quick cleanup with the help of Cody and Thomas we finish dinner and than try out our new carpet cleaner. My question is: Did this happen because we just got the carpet cleaner? or would it have happened without it?

Another House Guest
It's summer again and Uncle Jim has moved back in. He came on Wednesday and moved into the guest bedroom downstairs. Thomas is very happy to have someone that doesn't care if he sleeps on the bed. He plans on staying for a few months to visit his mom (my grandma) and get away from the Florida heat and humidity.

Doctor's Appointment
Last week I went to the doctor to have some things looked at that were bugging me. The good news is that I am measuring at 27 weeks and I haven't gained any weight in the last 3 weeks. I know this will change, but hopefully this will make it easier to lose the weight after she is born. I also was seen by a nurse midwife because my doctor was out of town. (I guess doctor's like to work the first few days of the week and than take the rest of the week off in the summer. That would be really nice.) Our little daughter has been very active the last few weeks. I worry when I don't feel her moving around. Nate just tells me that she is sleeping. It sure is strange to look at my stomach and seeing it moving. Is there an alien in there? Plus my belly button is starting pop... Does that mean she's done cooking? My 7 month appointment is this Thursday... Stayed tuned for an update.

On a side note: I am becoming an expert at peeing in a cup and I am very confident to carry it out of the bathroom and across the hall to the lab.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Montage of Events

Wow, it's been a few weeks since I have posted a blog. I need to start getting better at this. I thought I would share a few stories and events that have happened over the past few weeks...

Memorial Weekend!

Nate's parents, sister Mandi, and her kids Hailey and Darren came to visit Memorial weekend. We painted the babies room, had Nate's extended family over for a BBQ, and relaxed. Below is a picture of Nate and our Godchild (nephew) Darren.

The Joys of Pregnancy

First let me tell you that being Pregnant makes you do strange things. I find myself more emotionally connected to TV, people, and pretty much everything else. Besides the nauseous feeling I had the first 3 months... my second biggest complaint is that my contacts don't work anymore. I have been forced to wear my glasses... I feel like a little school girl. I can't wear my sunglasses outside the car. (Here is my secret... I wear my sunglasses over my glasses while driving.)

I also want to share with you how irrational I was this past Sunday. Nate and I decided to go visit his friends Justin and Amy. On our way to their house we decided we wanted to stop and get something to eat. I wanted BREAKFAST. The closest restaurant serving breakfast was Perkins in Elk River. Of course it is about 11 am on Sunday, so the wait for a table was ridiculous. So, Nate decided he didn't want to wait... and I just agreed. On our way out - Nate said he would wait in line if that was what I really wanted. Of course, it was too late for me and I just said "No!" Of course we missed the McDonald's breakfast by 5 minutes... so I started crying. Good thing Nate just held my hand, while my irrational thoughts passed. In the end, I just got something at the gas station while Nate had McDonald's.

Our Crazy Kitty Thomas

I have always known that Thomas loves hair binders. I used to find them all over the house. If I left one on the bathroom counter I would always find them either in the toilet or just laying around the house. The other night I put my hair in a ponytail. As I was sitting on the couch I felt something pulling on my hair. I looked behind me and Thomas was trying to pull the hair binder out of my hair. Of course, Nate and I had to see if he could actual get it out. In about 30 seconds he had it out of my hair and was playing with it on the couch.