Thursday, June 28, 2007

Weekly Update

Doctor's Appointment - 28 weeks or 7 Months

Wow, I can't believe I only have 3 more months until our little one arrives. Today was my monthly doctor's appointment. My previous post noted that I didn't gain any weight, but things have changed. In one week I have gained 4 lbs. What???? There went my joys of no weight gain. My doctor reassures me that my overall 17 lbs. weight gain is just right. Not only did I gain 4 lbs. but I got a shot in my butt. The joys of having RH Negative blood.

The big news is that I failed my one hour gestational diabetes test. Yes, I had to drink some orange pop tasting sugar, wait one hour, and than get my blood drawn. Unfortunately, I didn't pass meaning I get to spend 3 hours in the doctor's office. That is right three hours. I plan on getting some reading done. My doctor reassured me that 25% don't pass the one hour test pass the 3 hour test. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will pass the 3 hour test.
Here are a few pictures from Kristin's Birthday party last weekend. I hope you enjoy my rounded figure.
Sometimes I forget that my front side clearance has changed. A few times I have closed the car door and my stomach got in the way. The other day my co-workers and I went to lunch. We sat outside on the patio at a high top table. I was unable to move my chair forward while sitting, so my co-worker Cassie tried to help. With no success, I just sat at the edge of the chair so I could reach the table.Here is a picture of Jessa, Kristin, and I at Kristin's house for her birthday dinner.

Dumb Dog Award

I am giving this award to our dog Cody. I would like to first note that Cody is scared to jump into and out of the back of Nate's truck. Nate has to lift him up into the bed of the truck. We have tried everything so he does it himself and nothing seems to work. The other day Nate and I decide to take him to the lake for some swimming. (Nate has previously taken Cody to the lake the last several days.) Anyway, as we are just about to pull into the launch area, Cody decides to jump over the side of the truck (while in motion). Nate watches him do a complete somersault and land on his head. In shock he just lays there until Nate jumps out of the truck. Cody gets up and is ready to play catch in the water. After a few times in the water I notice that he has some road rash on his head. The good news is that he is okay, but now he gets tied up when he rides in the back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nikki!! You look absolutely wonderful!!! I got your voice mail but erased it before I wrote down your me!!!
