Monday, November 19, 2007

3 Months Old

Wow, our little girl is 3 months old today. She is growing up so fast. Her new achievements are that she loves to smile. She is so happy in the morning when we are getting ready. She just lays in her bassinet smiling and giggling while I get ready for work. We pretty much have a routine down in the morning.
The past three weekends we have been in Mora. Nate did some deer hunting while Nate's mom, sisters, and aunts went to local craft fairs. This past weekend Kaitlyn cried real tears. We think she was a little gassy and her little stomach wouldn't let it out... so she cried. It was cute, but sad to see her little eyes water up and tears run down her cheeks. Daddy pumped her legs to get things moving to relieve some of the pressure.

It is so much to watch her grow and become more active and alert. She loves to watch her cousins play when we are up north. It is also fun to dress her in 0-3 months clothes finally! She was wearing newborn clothes for the first 2 1/2 months of her life... Now the challenge is to make sure she gets to wear each outfit before she out grows them.
Here is Kaitlyn smiling... it is hard to get her to keep smiling. She gets a little confused when you put the camera up to your face.

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