Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow, I can't believe that Thanksgiving has already come and gone. Pretty soon it will be 2008 and Christmas will seem like a distant past. I don't really have any themed pictures for Thanksgiving, but I thought you would enjoy some cute pictures of Kaitlyn. The other night we decided to put her in her exersaucer... and she loved it. Granted we have to stuff a blanket around her since she is so little and her arms don't reach the toys, but she loves to look at all of them. I also would like to point out that her little legs just dangle, but I solved that problem by putting a pillow under them so she can stand a little better. Thomas loves hanging out under there too as you can see in the picture.Thanksgiving we spent in St. Cloud at Nate's Aunt and Uncles... okay it was Sauk Rapids, but who's keeping track. Than on Saturday we went to my dad and sister's house for a ham dinner. Kaitlyn loved to see her aunty and grandpa. This next Saturday they will be watching her while we go to Nate's works holiday party.

Here is Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly with all the Grandkids. Kaitlyn, Cousin Hailey, and Cousin Darren. Cousin Hailey loves her baby cousin and helps me when I change her diapers. Darren doesn't really seem to care yet... but just wait until she starts wanting to play with his toys.

Here is Kaitlyn with Grandpa Moore. I am not sure what she is looking at, but it takes some patience to get the right look for all the pictures I take... You should see what I have for other picture attempts.
Here is Kaitlyn playing with Daddy last weekend. She is so smiley in the morning that you can't help but want to wake up and play with her. She also took another big step this weekend. Well, maybe not Kaitlyn, but mommy. She is now taking naps in her crib... I haven't made the move for sleeping there at night... that will take some more courage on Mommy's part.

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