Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Five Months Old

I can't believe our little girl is five months old already. She is getting more and more active everyday. She loves to play with easy to grab toys, her burp rags, and petting Thomas and Cody or should I say... She tries to eat them too! She has also found her feet.

She is finally bigger than the duck. I am hoping that at her 6 month appointment she will have moved up on the length chart.

This past week my mom came to visit for a week. Kaitlyn loved all the attention from her Nana and Aunty Anny. It was nice because I would get up at 6:30 and give Kaitlyn to my mom and I would go back to bed.

Boating season is just around the corner so we bought Kaitlyn a life jacket. She didn't mind having it on and we hope that she gets used to is, so when it is time to out on the lake she will be ready.

Date is Set - 06-07-08

Nate and and I are going to make it official on June 7th, 2008. We will be getting married in Excelsior.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Late Christmas Post

I know that Christmas was several weeks ago, but I finally downloaded my pictures from our camera. Here are some cute pictures from some of our Holiday adventures.
Here is our niece Hailey at the Crystal where we celebrated Christmas with Nate's side of the family. She loved to help open her brother Darren's and Kaitlyn's gifts.Aunty Anny bought Kaitlyn a new Adidas outfit. The jacket is a little big, but she loves wearing pink... just like her mommy.
Here Kaitlyn is sporting one of the onesies that I made for her before she was born... One day she will be out on our pit bike winning races.

This past weekend we went to our friends house to do some ice racing on the pit bike. Of course Nate wants to get the newest Yamaha, but that will have to wait until after the wedding. Priorities!!!! Our friends have a son that is one month older than Kaitlyn, so we decided to get them all bundled up and take them to watch some ice racing... after about 10 minutes they both fell asleep from the noise or boredom... I am not quite sure. Maybe our dreams of her racing are a little farther than away than we think.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year Officer

Welcome to 2008. I have to say that my year has started out with a little excitement if that is what you want to call it. New Years we spent with our friends Justin and Amy and their son Colten who is one month older than Kaitlyn. Of course, Kaitlyn wanted to stay up to welcome in the New Year even though I tried everything to get her to fall asleep. Anyway, after watching the ball drop and some new year hugs... we decided to pack up and head home. On our way home... I got pulled over for speeding. It was the first time I drove this way home, so I wasn't even sure what the speed limit was, but I was doing 40 in a 30. After about 10 minutes... the officer came back and informed me that the speed limit from here was 55 mph. Thank goodness I didn't get a ticket, but it sure did brighten up my New Year... I guess my resolution of not getting pulled over is already shot. :)