Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year Officer

Welcome to 2008. I have to say that my year has started out with a little excitement if that is what you want to call it. New Years we spent with our friends Justin and Amy and their son Colten who is one month older than Kaitlyn. Of course, Kaitlyn wanted to stay up to welcome in the New Year even though I tried everything to get her to fall asleep. Anyway, after watching the ball drop and some new year hugs... we decided to pack up and head home. On our way home... I got pulled over for speeding. It was the first time I drove this way home, so I wasn't even sure what the speed limit was, but I was doing 40 in a 30. After about 10 minutes... the officer came back and informed me that the speed limit from here was 55 mph. Thank goodness I didn't get a ticket, but it sure did brighten up my New Year... I guess my resolution of not getting pulled over is already shot. :)

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