Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Late Christmas Post

I know that Christmas was several weeks ago, but I finally downloaded my pictures from our camera. Here are some cute pictures from some of our Holiday adventures.
Here is our niece Hailey at the Crystal where we celebrated Christmas with Nate's side of the family. She loved to help open her brother Darren's and Kaitlyn's gifts.Aunty Anny bought Kaitlyn a new Adidas outfit. The jacket is a little big, but she loves wearing pink... just like her mommy.
Here Kaitlyn is sporting one of the onesies that I made for her before she was born... One day she will be out on our pit bike winning races.

This past weekend we went to our friends house to do some ice racing on the pit bike. Of course Nate wants to get the newest Yamaha, but that will have to wait until after the wedding. Priorities!!!! Our friends have a son that is one month older than Kaitlyn, so we decided to get them all bundled up and take them to watch some ice racing... after about 10 minutes they both fell asleep from the noise or boredom... I am not quite sure. Maybe our dreams of her racing are a little farther than away than we think.

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