Monday, November 24, 2008

A Little Something

Nate, Kaitlyn, and I have been traveling to Mora for the last three weekends. It is deer hunting season. We have enjoyed spending time with Nate's family. Kaitlyn loves being with her 2 cousins Hailey and Darren.Bath Time! All three kids took a bath Friday night. It was really hard to get them all to look at us. My nephew Darren did a really good job of getting me wet during bath time.

Here is Kaitlyn splashing in the tub. Sorry for being all over the place with the camera... sometimes I forget I am taking video!

Saturday we left Darren and Kaitlyn with a babysitter and went to the North Branch Craft Fair. Hailey entertained us at the restaurant while we waited for our lunch. She is really good at the Hula.

This isn't the greatest video, but all the cousins loving sneaking into the bedroom at grandma's to jump on the bed. Next time I hope to get a better video when they aren't watching.

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