Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Wow, I can't believe that Christmas is over and it is now time to say goodbye to 2008 and Hello 2009. We stayed around home this Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my dad's house to have some ham and enjoy a movie or two. We have also decided that my dad will be called "Bobpa" instead of Grandpa. We mixed my dad's name Bob with Papa (What Anne and I call our dad). I would like to thank my Aunt Sandy for this name.
Christmas Day we went to my sister's boyfriend's parents house. We spent the day enjoying some yummy food and great company. Kaitlyn loved their stairs.

This is an older picture from when my mom was here. It is a great picture of all of us girls.

I can't believe how much changes in a year. Kaitlyn is learning more and more each day. She now knows where her feet, belly button, nose, and ears are. She says Mama and Mommy a lot more, but I still think she prefers to say Dada or Daddy. Her new things are climbing and loves to repeat us when we say - "Get Down or Sit Down". She loves to sign a few words too.

Nate now has been a stay at home daddy for a month now. It is fun to come home to a smiling face at the top of the stairs when I walk in the door.

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