Sunday, January 03, 2010

Play Date

Kaitlyn and I met up with our friends Diane and Hailey for a Saturday play date. We decided to take them to an indoor playground. This was Kaitlyn's and I's first time at the indoor park, so we were happy that Diane and Hailey were with us to show us the ropes.
I didn't take a picture of the actual play area, but just image a 3 story maze of tunnels, slides, obstacles all enclosed with netting. It is really funny to see adults trying to maneuver through the tight spaces. The good news is that Kaitlyn loved it. Her favorite part is the 2 different jumping areas. She would have stayed in there all day if we would have let her.Kaitlyn, Nikki, and Hailey (Diane was taking the picture!)

Kaitlyn in the jumping area with all the other kids.

Here is Kaitlyn and Hailey in part of the indoor play area. Diane and I were right behind them as they made there way through the maze of levels. A few times I wasn't sure if we would make it through. I did manage to lose my camera while crawling through a tunnel, but a nice adult behind me saw it and gave it back.

After we left the park, we went back to Diane and Hailey's for lunch. Kaitlyn found a Santa hat and kept it on the whole time while the girls played playdough. To be honest, all four of us played with the playdough.

Thank you Diane and Hailey for a great playdate! We had a lot of fun!

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