Wednesday, December 30, 2009


As most families, our Christmas celebrations started a few weeks before Christmas and ended just this past weekend. Kaitlyn loved opening presents so we had to hide them all until it was time to open them. Thomas our cat was the only thing under our Christmas tree this year. This Christmas was also a little snowy. (I wonder if I can say that 12+ inches is a little snow?) Nate spend most of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day either plowing or sleeping, so we had to do some rearranging of our plans.
Santa was in Mora and Kaitlyn wanted nothing to do with him, so we decided to make this a family picture. Kaitlyn was not too thrilled that she was close to Santa, and Nate and I were trying not to laugh.
Kaitlyn and Cousin Hailey during our McNeilly family Christmas in Mora.
Kaitlyn showing off her dance moves with her new Tutu she got.
Auntie Mel and Uncle Sam got all 3 cousins computers with their names on them. They all had to open them before we could move onto more presents.
My sister found this super cute Christmas dress for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn called it her Santa dress!
Christmas morning while Daddy was plowing and we were waiting for everyone to come over, we took some pictures with the timer on the camera.
We had to wait until the afternoon on Christmas day to open our presents and stockings from Santa. We didn't want to have daddy miss out on all the fun.
My mom made her a super cute scarf and head thing. (It has some sort of weird name that I can't remember.)
The snow stopped just in time for us to travel to Mora for our last Christmas Celebration. Here are all the cousins.
This is my favorite picture of our niece and nephew. They are growing up way to fast.
Here I am with my sister-in-law Mandi after we enjoyed a yummy drink.
Kaitlyn was a lucky little girl this year. I think we need to buy a bigger house to fit all of her new toys. Here is one of her favorites from her Bopapa! A new bike.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I can't believe how big Kaitlyn is getting. I love her pink dress. I love you hair in the photo with MAndi. We were going to get Avry that same bike but decided we should get the pink princess one because it was bigger. Happy 2010!