Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Hair Cut

We finally did it! We cut Kaitlyn's hair for the first time. Nana, daddy, and I created a little beauty salon right in the kitchen. Kaitlyn did really well, but it was really hard to keep her head straight. She kept wanting to look at what we were doing. Getting ready for her first haircut.Nana cutting Kaitlyn's hair. Originally I only wanted to give her a trim with at most an inch off, but it ended up being about 3 inches off. Here is the conversation between my mom and I.

"Is that too short?" Nana (After she made the first cut.)

"It's fine, but it's a little late if it is too short." Nikki

After poses! It is really hard to get a 2 1/2 year old to take profile pictures.

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