Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Quick Trip

After several months of planning and organizing we headed to Texas to bring my mom back to Minnesota. Nate, my dad, sister, brother-in-law, and I loaded up in our truck and started the 18 hour and 1300 mile trip. We left late Thursday evening. My dad, sister, and I crammed in the back. (Thank you Anny for taking residence in the middle seat.)

Nate and I did the driving on the way down. My favorite part of the drive was through the southern part of Oklahoma. It has snowed early in the night so the trees were beautifully covered with snow. Once we got to the Texas border I handed over the driver seat back to Nate. We had heard that Dallas just got 14 inches of snow. I was not ready to tackle bad Texas drivers and snow with a truck and trailer. I would say that we passed over 75 cars in the ditches for about a 4 hour stretch.

Here is some cool scenery we saw in the southern part of Oklahoma. It was so pretty.

We arrived in Onalaska, Texas around 3pm on Friday. We were greeted by my mom and aunt and uncle. They took us to dinner and we relaxed by watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
Here is my mom's house in Texas when we arrived.
Saturday we woke up and started packing. We were done around noon and decided we needed to do a little site seeing. We drove to the Trinity River Dam that supplies Houston's water supply. On the road again.... Exactly 24 hours from arriving in Onalaska, TX we were on our way back to Minnesota. My sister, my mom, and I in my mom's car and the boys in the truck. Between the 6 of us we all took turns driving through the night. We arrived safe and sound around 1pm on Sunday. Anny taking the first part of the drive.

To recap... We spent over 40 hours in a vehicle and traveled a total of 2600 miles within a 3 day period. It was worth it since we now have our mom and nana so close. (She is living our spare bedroom downstairs.)

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