Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn - Big 3!

Wow, we can't believe that our little girl is 3 years old.  She growing up so fast.  On her birthday she spent the day giving Nana a tour of all the parks in Mayer.  When mommy and daddy got home we had dinner, opened presents, and had cupcakes.  We asked Kaitlyn what she wanted for her birthday dinner... she said "um... Just cupcakes!" 
We didn't have candles so we had to improvise.  We used this as a teaching experience.  2 + 1 = 3. 
Opening presents from Nana.
Opening her present from Mommy and Daddy!  Yeah a new Sleeping Bag!
Kaitlyn's last night with a Nukie!

Sunday we had Bapapa, Aunty Anne, Nana, and Uncle Randy over for a small birthday party.  We had a yummy dinner, opened presents, and ate more cupcakes. 
Kaitlyn with her balloons that Aunty brought over.
I made cupcakes, but baked them in ice cream cones.  Kaitlyn loved them.
The big girl!
I was more prepared for birthday round #2.  Candles and a number "3".
Thomas and Kaitlyn playing her the new sleeping bag. 

We have been preparing Kaitlyn that when she turns 3 no more nukies.  So Friday night we took Kaitlyn to Target to pick out a toy because she was giving up her nukie.  She picked out a remote control fire truck.  Our bedtime routine includes cuddle time.  So as we were getting dressed for bed time she started asking for her nukie.  We told her that she is a big girl now and that means no more nukies.  She wasn't too happy about that.  All week my mom had been preparing her for this night.  Kaitlyn just kept saying... "but I'll be sad." 

Night #1: Lots of hysterical crying.  Than after giving up on the crying she spent the next hour sitting up and searching for her nukie everywhere on her bed.  (We have a camera baby monitor so we watched the escapade take place.)  About 1 1/2 later she gave up and fell asleep.

Night #2: A lot less crying.  Only took about 30 minutes to fall asleep.

Night #3: Only asked about her nukie a few times and fell asleep.

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