Monday, September 06, 2010


The last few weekends we have spent camping.  We borrowed Nate's parents old pop camper and headed out for some fun weekends.

Our first camping weekend we went to Codger's Cove Campground in Howard Lake.  It's only about 20 minutes from our house, so we were able to bring our boat too.  We went with some of our friends and enjoyed a "hot and windy" weekend. 
The Theme for the weekend was Halloween, so Kaitlyn dressed up as a Princess and we went Trick or Treating around the campground.   It was fun to see how everyone decorated their campsites.
Sara and Kaitlyn on their way to the next stop for some more treats.
The guys maning the candy at our campsite. 
We had perfect campsites right next to the lake. 

Labor Day weekend we headed to St. Cloud to spend the weekend camping with Nate's family and friends.  The campground was perfect except it wasn't warm enough to open the pool.  Kaitlyn stayed entertained with her cousins and some friends.  The weather was a little chilly, but we managed and still had a great time.
Hailey and Kaitlyn showing off their new matching zippy's they got from Aunty Betty.  Kaitlyn and Hailey were best buds for the weekend.  Everything Hailey did... Kaitlyn was right behind.  I asked Kaitlyn what she wanted for dinner... Her response: "What's Hailey having?".  Hailey was a big help in persuading Kaitlyn to do something we wanted her to do.  If Hailey was going to the bathroom so did Kaitlyn.

We decided to continue Kaitlyn's Birthday celebration and have a small party for her while we were camping.  We had a fun game for the kids to play, cupcakes, and opened presents. 
Playing the music game!
Kaitlyn needed a little help figuring out what to do when the music stopped, but she figured it out very quickly.
Opening Presents and cards!
Look Mommy.  I got monies!  Every card after that she just looked for money. 
Cody and Darren!

The campground had lots of fun activities planned through out the weekend for kids and adults.  Saturday they had Hawaiian Ice treats and a Medallian hunt.  We didn't find the Medallian, but it was still fun to try.  Sunday they had a kid's carnival and Bingo in the evening for the adults and older kids.
Grandma helping Kaitlyn play one of the carnival games.
Cousin Gibson getting a bath!