Monday, October 25, 2010

Minnetonka Apple Orchard

This past Sunday we took Kaitlyn to the Apple Orchard.  The weather was not the greatest, but we still had a great time.  Here are some pictures from our trip.  Unfortunately my camera's battery died before we left, so I missed a few pictures from the morning.

 Kaitlyn insisted she needed her picture taken on the way to the Apple Orchard.  She also needed to make sure her baby and hat were in the picture.
 Walking through the orchard in the rain!
 How big am I?
 Kaitlyn's new Cheese smile for pictures!

 Driving the train!
The nice part of going to the orchard on a Rainy Sunday is that there are not a lot of people.  We got to enjoy all the attractions without having to wait in lines.  It was also a perfect morning to enjoy a nice hot cup of cider!

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