Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Little's One Graduate

Kaitlyn just completed her first full session at Foss Swim School and has become a wonderful little swimmer.  She has come a long way since September.  Her instructor Deborah awarded her the most improved student.  Our little girl went from not wanting to get her face wet, to swimming with her face in the water for over 6 seconds.  The Fall session was 16 weeks long and finally on the last day... she mastered all the skills to move onto Little's two!  We are so proud of our little girl. 
Kaitlyn waiting to receive her award for passing Little's one on the last night of Swimming lessons.

So happy!

Christmas Day at the Brehmer's

Christmas Day we headed to my sister's house for a little brunch and to open more presents.  I still can't believe how nice it was outside on Christmas day.  We can't complain with temps in the 40's in late December.

Uncle Randy and Josie.

Mommy and Gavin.

Gavin and Bopapa

Nana's present from "all of us".  We are excited to add another name to this shirt once our nephew arrives in a few short months.

Kaitlyn helping Gavin open up one of his presents.

Nap time with Nana

Making sugar cookies.  Our new annual Christmas Day tradition.

Gavin's new Excavator from Aunty Anny and Uncle Randy.

He loves it.

Mommy and her babies.

Bopapa and his grand kids (including Baby B's bump).

The McNeilly's

Kaitlyn, Gavin and Nana

Nate and I on Christmas day.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Is it still Winter? Is it Christmas in MN?

The weather has been seasonably warm this December.  Christmas day we still didn't have any snow on the ground and it was about 40 degrees.

One of Kaitlyn's presents from Bopapa was a new bike.  Her new bike has a baby carrier, so she can bring her baby with on bike rides this spring and summer.  Since the weather was nice and no snow we decided she could take her new bike for a spin.
Daddy putting together her new bike.

A perfect fit!

Look mommy I can ride my bike with my baby.

Santa Came

Kaitlyn and Gavin must have been good this year because Santa came to our house.  Kaitlyn was the first up and was so excited to go out to the living room to see if Santa came.
Kaitlyn and her baby crib from Santa.

Gavin and his new toy balls from Santa.

Patient daddy putting together Kaitlyn's baby doll crib.

Gavin opening his new puppy from his big sister.

Thanks sister for my new talking puppy.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve my mom (nana) and dad (bopapa) came over for dinner and to open a few presents. 

Kaitlyn opening her presents from Nana.

Gavin trying to figure out how to open presents.

Kaitlyn excited that she had lots of presents to open.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

McNeilly Family Christmas

This past weekend we headed to Mora to celebrate the McNeilly and Lindquist family Christmas's.  It was fun to see all the cousins opening their presents.  We have found that we have to get similar gifts for all the cousins or there might be some sad faces.
Cousin Darren opening present at Aunty Mel's and Uncle Sam's House.

Cousin Hailey excited for all the presents.

Aunty Mandi helping Gavin open his presents.

One of Kaitlyn's presents.

Cousin Gibson opening his presents.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Visit with Santa

Last week Nate and I took the kids to see Santa at the mall.  We went at lunch time in the middle of the week, so we had no line.  Kaitlyn was a little anxious about sitting on his lap and we had no idea how Gavin would do. 

When it came time to see Santa we had to use Gavin as an example.  We sat him on Santa's lap and he looked at him a little strangely, but didn't seem to mind.  Kaitlyn still wasn't so sure.  We convinced her to just sit next to him on the chair.  She agreed to this. 

She asked Santa for a baby crib.  (Perfect!  I was hoping that this is what she would say when she finally was able to ask him.)  After we were done and walking to get some lunch she turns to Nate and I and says... "When we see Santa again, I have more things that I want to tell him I want.  And can I bring that toy catalog with to show him everything."  We than had to explain that we can't have everything we ask Santa for and that we have to be good girls and boys.  

Making Cookies

Kaitlyn and I made Christmas cookies for my works annual cookie exchange.  We had to make 108 cookies that night.  Kaitlyn had a lot of fun helping.
Kaitlyn mixing the cookie dough.

"Say Cheese!"

Kaitlyn helping unwrap 108 Hersey kisses.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Gavin 10 Months

Okay, our little boy is growing way to fast.  It seems like it's only been a few months since we were patiently waiting for him to be discharged from the hospital.  He is learning that he can get around the house now.  We have a sunken living room and were hoping for a little more time before we had to put up the gate by the stairs.  Last weekend to our surprise Gavin managed to make his way up the one step in our living room and take a fun little belly ride down the stairs to the entry way.  Kaitlyn watched him the whole time and said "Daddy, Gavin's going down the stairs."  Gavin cried for about 10 seconds and than seemed to forget about the whole episode.

He still hasn't mastered crawling on his hands and knees, but seems to get around just fine by pulling himself on his elbows.  He loves to talk, more like yell.  He loves copying you when you repeat his yelling. 

He loves eating puffs and has really started to master picking them and getting them in his mouth.

Gavin's 10 Month Stats:
Height: 28 3/4" - 50%
Weight: 21 lbs. - 50%
Head: 18.5" - 85%

We also discovered he has an ear infection.  He likes to take after his sister and not show too many signs of ear infections.  No fever, and pretty much sleeps through the night.  Who knew?

It's official.  Gavin is fully transitioned to his crib.  It only took a few days for Kaitlyn and Gavin to adjust to sharing a room.  Gavin usually sleeps through the night and will usually just talk in his crib until we come and get him.  Now if I could only get the cat and dog to not wake me up at night.

I am also proud to say that I have kept up with breastfeeding.  Actually I continued pumping since Gavin quit breastfeeding several months ago.  I am really hoping that I can handle 2 more months.  Wish me luck.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kaitlyn's 4 year old Christmas Program

We went to Kaitlyn's 4 year old Christmas program at school.  She was so excited to have your Grandma Sue, Grandpa Tim, Nana, Bopapa, cousin Hailey, Aunty Anny, and Uncle Randy there to watch.  She had been practising her songs and her verse and was so excited to show us.
Gavin and Aunty Anny getting ready to watch Kaitlyn at her Christmas program.
Kaitlyn was so excited when she found out Grandpa Tim, Grandma Sue, and Cousin Hailey were coming to her to watch.

Of course once she came out, she ended up with her back facing us as he was very interested in Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. 
It was hard to get a good picture of Kaitlyn since we were sitting on the wrong side of the gym. She is the one in red.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gavin 9 Months

We have a crawler or should we say swimmer.  Gavin has started to master moving in a forward direction instead of rolling side to side.  His forward motion looked more like he was swimming at first.  He now army crawls to get to his favorite things which include: balls, cords, computer mouse, cell phones, remotes, and anything other than the numerous toys scattered around the living room.  He hasn't mastered reverse yet, so when he gets into a corner he usually will start to cry.  Good thing his big sister is there to help drag him out.  (or carry him... which he doesn't seem to mind.)

 He has started to enjoy more solid foods.  Actually, we really have only tried very mushy puffs.  Mommy needs to stop being paranoid and add to his pallet of solid foods.  He still loves all the foods we have tried.  We are hoping he isn't as picky as his big sister.

Gavin has started to say "mamamamama".  It is usually when he is upset.  He loves to make screeching sounds.  I think he is just trying to make more noise than his talkative sister.  He also loves to grunt like a boy.  Not sure where he gets that from but we will just say it's from his daddy.

The other big news is that we are finally making the transition into his own crib.  Kaitlyn and Gavin will be sharing a bedroom, so it's taken some adjustments to make this happen.  Kaitlyn isn't a big fan of Gavin taking over her room.  Several of the nights I was waken up by Kaitlyn coming into our room to tell us that Gavin was crying.  A few times she said "well, aren't you going to take him to your room?"  The only one that doesn't seem to phased by this all is Gavin.  He seems happy to just go to bed.  I say this because every night when we put him down he gives us a huge smile.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's a.... Baby!

My sister Anny is expecting a beautiful baby on March 5th, 2012.  They decided to have a little party to find out if it is a boy or a girl.  They had their ultrasound a few weeks ago and the results were sealed in an envelope.  Yesterday, we found out what it was by having a cake made.  When they cut into the cake they would see what they were having.  If the cake was blue it was a boy and if it was pink it was a girl....

My sister anxiously awaiting everyone to come to cut the cake.

It's a boy!!!!!!

Our nephew will be here in 3 months!!!  We can't wait to meet him and spoil him!

Monday, October 31, 2011


The weather was perfect on Halloween. We went to our friends house and enjoyed some dinner before we headed out for a night of trick or treating.
Fairy Princess

A fairy princess and a puppy!

The flash may have been a little bright.

Gavin and mommy ready for some trick or treating.

All the kids!

Gavin actually looks like a little puppy!

Kaitlyn trick or treating!