Friday, December 16, 2011

Gavin 10 Months

Okay, our little boy is growing way to fast.  It seems like it's only been a few months since we were patiently waiting for him to be discharged from the hospital.  He is learning that he can get around the house now.  We have a sunken living room and were hoping for a little more time before we had to put up the gate by the stairs.  Last weekend to our surprise Gavin managed to make his way up the one step in our living room and take a fun little belly ride down the stairs to the entry way.  Kaitlyn watched him the whole time and said "Daddy, Gavin's going down the stairs."  Gavin cried for about 10 seconds and than seemed to forget about the whole episode.

He still hasn't mastered crawling on his hands and knees, but seems to get around just fine by pulling himself on his elbows.  He loves to talk, more like yell.  He loves copying you when you repeat his yelling. 

He loves eating puffs and has really started to master picking them and getting them in his mouth.

Gavin's 10 Month Stats:
Height: 28 3/4" - 50%
Weight: 21 lbs. - 50%
Head: 18.5" - 85%

We also discovered he has an ear infection.  He likes to take after his sister and not show too many signs of ear infections.  No fever, and pretty much sleeps through the night.  Who knew?

It's official.  Gavin is fully transitioned to his crib.  It only took a few days for Kaitlyn and Gavin to adjust to sharing a room.  Gavin usually sleeps through the night and will usually just talk in his crib until we come and get him.  Now if I could only get the cat and dog to not wake me up at night.

I am also proud to say that I have kept up with breastfeeding.  Actually I continued pumping since Gavin quit breastfeeding several months ago.  I am really hoping that I can handle 2 more months.  Wish me luck.

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