Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Weekend

Wow, I can't believe Christmas has already come and gone!  Good thing we have one more Christmas weekend with Nate's immediate family!  We were very busy celebrating with both our families this past weekend.
Christmas Eve we spent the evening at Bopapa's house.  We had a delicious Ham dinner and opened gifts.  Here are some pictures from our evening.
 Kaitlyn getting ready to open presents at Bopapa's house!  She was so excited!
 So many presents!  Cousin Diana made it fun by wrapping each present in tissue paper!
 Kaitlyn and Mommy wearing mommy's hats she got from Bopapa for Christmas!
 Kaitlyn was so excited for Santa this year!  She has been asking for a baby doll with a nukie!  The funny part of this is... First she asked for Santa for a Baby Doll with a nukie!  Than she added ...and a bottle a few weeks later... Then the day before Christmas... she also wanted a rubber ducky!  When she opened her stocking and present from Santa - which contained... a baby doll with a nukie... She looked at us and said..Where's the bottle?

Since Christmas Day is Jesus's Birthday.... we had to make muffins and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

 Later that day we headed to my sister's house for our Christmas Day Brunch!  Kaitlyn got to open more presents. 
 The McNeilly's! 
 My little sister and me on Christmas Day!
 The Girls!
 Nana and her girls!
 Kaitlyn and her Godparents.  My sister asked Randy to put on a nice shirt for pictures.  Don't you just love the ugly Christmas Sweater he picked?
 Papa and his girls!
Papa and all his girls!
On Sunday we went to Nate's Aunt and Uncles for his extended family Christmas!  We spent the day being entertained by all the little cousins opening their presents.

 Kaitlyn got a purple unicorn pillow pet from Great Grandma and Grandpa.  She was so excited!

Her other favorite gift was a guitar from Aunty Betty and Uncle Matt!  She was styling in her pink Christmas Dress, Pink Sunglasses and Pink Guitar!

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